I am 42 years old and have a partial hysterectomy?

Due to severe endometriosis, I am having a partial hysterectomy. They are going to remove my uterus and my not here ovary. They will also remove my apendix and laser the endometriosis off of several of my other organs. I am deified. I have three kids and I don'tknow what to expect seizure wise. Will I be hormonially disturbed. I just want to have a feeling normal for once. What will my stomach look approaching, I have already have three "c"sections, a double hernia operation and 4 laporoscopies. I enjoy also put on about 20 pounds contained by the last few months due to the reality the I can't exercise due to the pain.

A Very Serious Question?

a female I know had it done near robotic surgery...her's was a complete...but she be off work for a week and a partially and back to commonplace in two. It be basically laproscopic. I don't know something like yours but to me this sounds like the passageway to go.

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A hysterectomy is a major abdominal surgery in consequence recovery take time, mostly so when they do more surgeries
therefore you must expect some stomach-ache at least for a few days, a long time something between 3-8 weeks of seizure and a slow recovery. It take time to be able to meander again without niggle, and exercise. You just own to be patient and remember after adjectives pain is gone you will touch well again. The solitary thing might be that you will experience menopause i.e. hot flashes and dryness contained by your vagina and skin etc. your doctor will have to update you if you can take HRT or not. Don't be terrified, you need to own it done as you yourself said and in a few weeks it will be adjectives over. I presume if you had 3 c-sections they will unseal they same scar again and your stomach would look freshly like immediately.

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My mom was 44 when she have her's done. She had it Feb. 28 and the doctor released her for work on April 13. She have a laporoscopy and had five little "dots" and one within her belly button. She went on the hormone cream and said it worked resourcefully. She went home the subsequent day. She be feeling fine in a week, except she would get hold of very tired for going on for a month afterwards. She wanted to shift back to work give or take a few three weeks later, but the doctor wouldnt release her. That depends on your doctor, but she said it be the best thing she could hold done. She wanted to surface normal too. Good luck!!

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whatever any of us tell you noone will know until afterwards, some people get better and feel fit inwardly a few weeks and some take a few months...
i know that may nouns unhelpful but you obligation to be prepared!
you will definitely be advise NOT to be lifting or carrying anything heavy for reasonably a while and you need to stick to that as economically as you can it is very defining!
please do ask around your family and friends and own people more or less who can help you at home especially surrounded by the first week or two.
also get the children set to help out next to whatever their ages consent to them!!
when i had my ops i be so worried about the extra strain on my son but it's be great because he's settled into doing more about the house overall even presently ages after!
try and get righteous advice from a physio going on for exercises to help you tone up again and strengthen adjectives your stomach and core muscles once you are able to.
do your pelvic floor exercises as habitually as possible, now and after the op!

adjectives the best, take effort & get ably again soon!!

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I be 25 when I had to hold a total hysterectomy due to endometriosis and adenomyosis. Mine was done laproscopically. I hold (2) 1 inch scars on any side of my abdomen and another one at my coat line. I missed 2 weeks of work and after was final.

As for hormones, your doctor will start you on estrodial immediately following your surgery. There may be a week or so as he adjust the dose for you, but after that, you are back to mundane.

This surgery will help immensely. You will touch no more pain. I hadn't realize exactly how much pain I be in prior to the surgery until the stomach-ache was gone. Now I can exercise, I can do pretty much what I want.

It seem scarier than it really is. Good luck and God bless.

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Hi...sounds like you're distinctly going thru' pre-surgery jitters and fear of the unknown. But you've have 3 c-sections and a hernia repair (which itself is very knotty on a woman, I know)...so you already have a pretty well brought-up idea that you'll be down for a while and that retrieval will be slow and gradual. I assume that the surgery will be abdominal, so most likely any incision will be done where on earth there be a prior one. Just keep within mind what your main target is...to be free of the everday pain of endometriosis finally and to know how to live your life as a rule again. That will be such a relief for you! Since you'll be keeping one ovary, you may or may not want estrogen therapy. And because you're within your 40's, your estrogen level may enjoy already started to decline anyway, and you and your dr. could decide to agree to nature filch it's course. Then again, you're still relatively young and if you start have the early symptoms of menapause and they become a physical problem for you, your dr. may decide that low-dose estrogen psychoanalysis will be a benefit. Sometimes it's trial and error finding what works best but that's normal. My solitary other concern is that you'll have some aid while you recover...someone to aid you with your three kids. Hopefully you hold family in the vicinity or friends and neighbors that can chip in. All will run well..and nick good comfort.

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