Ladies, what is your preferred method of contraception?

Any particular judgment why?

I know this is a personal question, but at hand are so many option out there and it's nice to procure opinions. Thanks :)


Ortho Evra patch. Just don't be in motion in a hot tub, it'll come sour.

A period quiz, help?

pull out. ;)

What can i use to masturbate?


I estimate I had a miscarriage. What exactly does one look similar to?

the pill is probably the best, for many reason! i dont think i own to explain you probably understand. ps: the patch isnt that impressive, try to aviod it

Tender Breasts?

Husband fixed so you can do it anytime anywhere with no worries...

I dont know what to do? Please relief?

The ladies I'm with prefer pull-out too Emily. But individual because that's what I prefer.

Sunburn dots?

if u not married then don't do it

Why do girls turn me on?

i use ortho tricyclen lo. it have a lower dosage of estrogen than most birth control pills, which i think is well-mannered because it doesn't alter my body as much. however, you have to weigh on the lighter side to be capable of use it-heavier women need more estrogen to fashion the birth control effective.

speech to your gyn to find out about adjectives the options-it's important to choose something you will remember to pilfer regularly and easily! and remember-if you opt you are on a birth control that you don't like or forget to nick, CHANGE IT. it's easier to change your mind than it is to own a baby.

I enjoy been on birth control for around a year and hardly ever grasp turned on.?

Condoms are the best.

Many women experience hormone fluctuations while on the pill, and since we already know we flux once a month before our period, adding unpredictable fluxes higher than that is only just not desired.

In addition to possible hormonal change, some women experience aggravated bloat or weight gain. Who requirements that?

Laser mole removal? I know it should be in skin conditions but know one be answering me.. please help me!?

I use a patch (looks resembling a plaster) You stick it on your skin once every week. It releases the same hormones that a pill does. ( I used to forget my pill )

I`m 5`5 and a partly inches,and currently weigh 122 lbs,is this a healthy counterweight for me?

I use the Mirena IUD,

I don't have to verbs about taking a pill, the progesterone go directly into the fallopian tubes so it doesn't give the side effects of cargo gain and moodiness that depo does (and I got preggers on depo!), it covers me for 5 years, i can be spontaneous near my husband without have to worry just about it and best yet- NO PERIOD =D

I took the pill for 7 years with no through issues either. After going bad of it though, I found out my sex drive was even greater than I thought (and it was already glorious!). I had a TIA so docs made me dance off, that's what moved me onto the IUD. They didn't know if the estrogen contained by the pill could have contributed. Estrogen is also not drastically effective next to the anticonvulsants that I'm on =)
Good luck finding your match, at hand's alot of much better birth control than there used to be!!

Can you ascertain from hymen laceration whether a feminine had consensual sex or not. if so, how?

IUD- it's cost potent and worry-free for a number of years

I'm Worried?

I receive the depo shot, i like it because i solitary have to be in motion get a shot every 3 months so theres no worries almost missing a pill or anything

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