Ladies problem?

any one who dont like reading nearly the nature of women, please dont read on..........

I didnt come on my extent for years, and i never went to the doctors.

I eventually go, the doc sent me to the hospital to have a scan and blood tryout, they found out i have polisistic overeas.

Now im scard i cant enjoy babies. I mean im solitary young but still ofcourse i wanna hold babies.

anyways, the doctor then put me on some tablets for a month. This regulated my period and now its too regularly. Its not like every month. Its every two weeks. That cant be right?
So immediately i even more worried.

What age did you start having little down on your vagina and how old be you when you had a full vagina?

Women next to polycystic ovaries CAN have babies.

As for bleeding too habitually: That is not normal. He should own given you something better. Go see a Endocrinologist if you can. They know the best treatment for our problem.

Why does this happen to me?? I am seriously freaked out!?

You should run back to your doctor if you hold concerns. No one here has your medical history.

Why are my breast so tender?

Can you communicate me the name of the pills, I own it too, and I have not found anything that will endow with me my period. I really would appreciate it if you would share the given name. Also I believe if you have not have yours in so long, your body wants to flush out all of the toxin. It should regulate on its own next, but if not appointment your doctor!

Can you catch UTI by sitting on a dirty toilet form?

Let your doctor know that you're having these problems as I'm sure they're not right.

Also, here's an overview of your condition to give support to you know more about it. =)

Good luck, and I option you well =)

When your on birth control do you start your length at night or during the hours of daylight?

Just keep within touch with your doc around whats going on with your body. He may wish to change your pills around.

As far as have babies, I know many women next to polycystic ovarian syndrome who have babies. Sometimes your doc may put you on a fertility drug call Clomid if you are inable to concieve after a period of time. Dont verbs about it until you are in position to try to have kids! It will work out!

I'm surrounded by my early 40s and have first mammogram?

i dont have poly wotsits but ive have periods every 2 weeks since i be 8.
im 35 now beside 3 kids and have to stay on pill constantly so i can own break from bleeding
go to docs & procure some more advice.
dont ruminate yr on yr own tho x

Too wet? Serious answers individual please?

go back to your doctor, and share him what happening and ask him what should you do, and if you should be worried.

What come to your mind when you hear the word FEMALE?

Go wager on to your doctor & tell him/her roughly the problems you have be having.It is not majority to have your term's that often & your losing too much blood in the process.Which is also not terribly good at adjectives.

What do you crave when you have PMS and does it breed you feel better?

I am sorry to hear in the order of your diagnosis.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome [PCOS for short] is the most common hormonal disturbance among women. It is the principal cause of infertility. Although PCOS is treatable, it cannot currently be totally cured.

PCOS affects women in different ways. Some women may merely have a couple of mild symptoms, whilst others may exhibit a wider extent of symptoms more severely. No woman is the same.

I suffer beside PCOS and I am currently on medication to stop my periods as I own been bleeding on and sour for about six months. I am also diabetic next to have counterweight and hair problems.

My proposal would be to speak to your GP about your concerns and find out as much as you can more or less the condition. Knowledge is power. There is a lot you can do to direct your symptoms. There are loads of good books [type PCOS on Amazon]. When I be first diagnosed I found the forums on the website below very assiduous.

As for the fertility issue, there are treatments that can serve if needed and I would contact your doctor straightaway once you and your partner decide to try for a child.

Hope this help!

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