Girls answers one and only pleaze!?

Um wut if ur grandma(dads mom) had her interval at age 11 but ur mom had hers going on for 12 how old will i be wen i acquire mine?i am 11 going into 6th grade

Is it true that after having a child you vagina is loose?

Just because your mother and grandmother got theirs when they be young, it doesn' t expect that you will.

My mother got hers when she be 14... I got mine a month after I turned 12.

Just hang about... it will come. Trust me, it is nothing to be excited around. Don't rush growing up.

Microperferate hymen?

it wil lhappen naturally lately keep some pad or tampons around just incase

What are the leading side effects of depo provera (Birth control)?

11-13.. my mom got hers at 13 and i get mine at 14.
it all vary. but dont be in a rush because it period make enthusiasm complicated so enjoy your freedom

I have a hysterectomy last year (kept both ovaries) Does anyone own trouble with orgasm and what can relieve?

It all depends on your body. Both sides of my kinfolk had a history of getting theirs infantile but me and my sister didnt get ours until we be mid-late teens.

Which do you think it is?

I don't know really.I'm individual 10 turning 11 and I'm going in to the 5th grade.

What Else can i Try ?

um probabl u never know it adjectives kinda matters on u and if your stirring and they wernt and just diffrent stuff.

Why haven't i have my period?

well since inheritance do have closely to do with it, you will probably be nearly 11 or 12. So you could star any time soon. But you also need to consider your dads side, approaching the women on his side. so you could end up self 13, which is about the average age. But hey, don't be anticipating it, it really isn't that great. back i got mine i be like really wanting it. in a minute i wish i didn't own it!

How do i get a gynecologist? within UK?

i don't think you can determine that, because you enjoy a different body than your mom and your grandma. your hormones could start kicking in at a different time than their's did. don't worry just about it. after a while it gets boring. so don't fret something like it or anything just other be prepared. :)

My nipples are very sensitive. Is this impermanent?

It varies! Genetics does play into it a bit, but everyone's different. I started when I be...I think I have just started fifth level, so I'm different than you. However, with the stress level of middle school and adjectives, I would be prepared. If you're unsure about anything, and you haven't talk to your mom, I recommend doing so. She definitely know more than you on the subject.

What's the best birth control with the tiniest amount of side effects?

Every one is different no one can in truth tell you when your going to return with your menstrual but if you don't have it on the other hand enjoy your life span, because cramps and getting bloated are no fun.

Whats my problem?

well you may be a late bloomer...or you may win your reallly soon. But just because they both get theres young doesnt tight-fisted you will. I got mine a month ago and im 13. My mom started at 16 so theres a 3 years difference there!! You could seize your in 5 years at the most modern so dont rush it. Im sure you will get it soon.

Look at yourself...
do you own pubic hair?
underarm down?
developing breast?
or hurting breast?
discharge for a while?

those are the normal signs too look out for formerly beggining.

A question something like late period?

There really is no way to transmit, sorry. Genetics may play a part but I am beginig to doubt it. My together family(mom's and dad's sides) all get theirs later 14-15 but I get mine when I was 9. You may or may not want it, but really it's no fun. Tvelty wear off hurried and it becomes a pain(literaly and figurativly). So similar to evene has said, soak up your time without it, because once it comes you are stuck beside it until you hit menopause.

Has anyone gone through the INDOMETROSIS surgury or know alot about indometrosis?

You grandma and mom's ages could own some effect, but everyone's different. For example, if you play a lot of sports, you can get hold of your period subsequently

Who knows Britney Houston?

it doesn't neccessarily depend on your genes. Prbably contained by the middle 11 1/2 but it varies next to the woman.

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