Yeast infection beside stinging sores?

i was just this minute on antibiotics a little over 2 weeks ago and for times past few days i've noticed what seem to be a yeast infection (i got them A LOT during my pregnancy (oh and i in recent times had my infant a little over a month ago) but anyways its matching symptoms white-yellowish discharge, itching, buring...ect.

but now i merely noticed 2 small sores down nearby! one on the top, and one on one side of my labia...they look like spot type sores and are VERY painful! :-( it hurts to run pee because its right there...i hold a dr. appointment in 2 days but does anyone know if the sores can be related to the yeast infection?!

im really upset im hoping its just from me scratch down there but i don't know.

Answers:    I'm no doctor but I have exactly the same piece happen to me years ago. I get a bladder infection and was prescribed antibiotics. In nearly a week or two I developed a HORRIBLE yeast infection. After talking to a friend she said antibiotics can motivation yeast infections and to get contained by to see the doctor. When I got surrounded by the doctor said it was most probable do to the antibiotics and gave me a prescription for a pill that took the infection away faster than any drug store item could. Now when I acquire prescribed antibiotics I ask for a prescription for the yest infection pill as a precaution. I also make sure to put away lots of yogurt because that's really suppose to help too. Sorry in the order of your situation, I hope you feel better soon.
OMG! LIK3 OWWW!! W3LL IF YOU W3R3 SCRATCHIN URS3LF DOWN TH3R3, TH3N Y3A YOUV3 OBVIOUSLY MAD3 TH3 INF3CTION WORS3! IDK WAT TO T3LL YOU R3ALLY BUT TO JUST WAIT TILL YOUR APPT. BUT Y3A I THINK THAT TH3 SOR3S AR3 R3ALAT3D TO UR Y3AST INF3CTION CONSID3RING THAT YOU CAN G3T A Y3AST INF3CTION ON ANY PART OF YOUR BODY, JUST QUIT SCRATCHIN. Have you hear back from the doctor on the other hand? I had like thing happen- I get a yeast infection but then also get like 4 carbuncle like sores--but they don't look resembling herpes. They are just red bumps--no blister, no natural opening. I am waiting on the results of a std theory test though.
I am of course freaking out a bit and be wondering what your doc said--whether or not yeast infections can cause a sore?

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