Frequent urinary tract infections?

ive had them forever, i pee regularly and ive evn be to the doc. about it he simply told me to take azo over the counter meds from walmart, any one kno why this could be happinng? im a feminine who is 19, and i just going on for have one every other week save every week, i hate it soo bleak, the pills dnt help that much and i cant afford another doc appt. right immediately!! any ideas on how to assistance me or what wrong wit me would be greatly apprecited!!

plus could having freq. uti, could this hurt my body>?

I haven't have a period surrounded by months..?

I used to have frequent UTI's until I intellectual that taking antibiotics creates more UTI's for me. Antibiotics can mess up a woman's internal flora system (killing good germs along with the discouraging bacteria), causing yeast problems, which can inflict UTI's, which requires more antibiotics. Here is what a wise elder woman once taught me:

1) When you enjoy a UTI, it must be treated by a round of antibiotics in demand to protect your kidneys (but don't get on a binding dose of anti-biotics).
2) Take cranberry extract instead of cranberry juice. More concentrated berry and smaller quantity calories/sugar. Eat lots of watermelen and drink lots of water. Stay away from pop and caffeine.
3) Do an online search or walk to your local health food store and swot up about pro-biotics. While you are taking your antibiotics, start taking pro-biotics in between your antibiotic doses. (Don't give somebody a lift them at the same time b/c your antibiotic kill the pro-biotic). This will help prevent yeast growth.
4) After you are done near your antibiotics, increase your pro-biotics for at least a month, which will give a hand to bring your system into balance. Eating yogurt, near active cultures, on a regular starting place afterward helps to keep hold of your system healthy.
5) Cut down on the sugar, because yeast requires sugar to grow.
6) Helpful tips: other wipe from front to back; other urinate after having sex; don't hold sex on a full bladder; and where solitary cotton underwear and loose fitting pants.
7) If you verbs to have UTI's and/or you own a fever, you stipulation to see your doctor right away because you may have a kidney infection.

Hope this help.

My sex drive is low and I am a 51-yo woman, I need to do something. I enjoy gone thru menopause.?

Drink lots and lots of water, and cranberry liquid is very pious also. They both wash adjectives toxins from your kidneys and liver, I think.

And yes, it could hurt your body. They could someday front to a fatal kidney infection.

Is at hand a way you can stop your term from comming on for a day?

Sometimes urinary tract infections can be a problem, if they are persistent, i would say see a doctor. In the scrounging time if you cannot afford it, try Cranberry Pills, or cranberry juice. It is greatly acidic, and kill the bacteria within your bladder. It has worked for me plentiful times. If it gets worse, see a doctor. I hope everything turns out ok.

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are you sexually active? if so, you may be getting your UTI's from your partner. and have uti's as frequently as you have be could eventually be harmful. another path to get them is..wearing tight pant, getting fecal matter inside the vagina, and other things.if none of those sounds similar to what could be the cause, you should kind an appointment with your gynocologist to see what's going on.

For girls next to periods.?

return to the doctor for a full review of your chronological medical history and a possible urology referral. good doctors ask that their patients do NOT use Azo.

Is it true that the hormones contained by birth control pills/etc. are bad for you?

If you are sexually stirring, that could be a big explanation. As much as it grossed me out to know, my mother gets them alot, for that explanation. it could also be hereditary. If I be you I would find a Urinologist who care for your condition more. Good Luck!

When i using herbal breast enlargment product it was a fundamentally small cup, now after two months i stopped herbal?

sugar also cause them (sodas and juices); as do wearing thongs (or no panties with jeans).
remember that white bread and potato turns into sugar once they are digested.

yes, frequent any caring of infection is bad for the body. especially nearby!

make sure to wipe from front to vertebrae.

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