Needle surgery to enchance the breasts. minister to?

I heard in attendance's a breast enchancement method where the surgeon does it w/ putting the nozzle through the nipples and that's also another way to enchance the breasts. Does anyone own information on it? and i heard that it is better and safer. Thanks!

Questions around my Period?

Sounds like silicone that injected years ago. It could migrate to oother parts of the body. Scares me.

Can I go swimming in need wearing a tampon, while having my time, if it is light?

You should also look into another method where on earth they use insert the implant within you underarms or even your belly button

Why do woman give out * similar to farting sound* from the vaginal when/after having sex?

Respectfully, I'm not sure. But required to say Taco's answer is really impolite and hope people report him for rough up. That kind of response purely doesn't belong on this forum.

Almost 47, very desk light period, on a rotten brown discharge and some cramping. Start of menopause?

In my opinion, breast fortification is for strippers.
Girls with low self esteem appear to think bigger breasts are the knob. They aren't. Unless you want to attract jerks and pigs.
You are dazzling just the instrument God made you.

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