Why do i hold orange/brown/red stains on my panties?

Reasontly i have be noticing small amounts of orange/red/brown stains on my panties. i don't own any cramps and it don't hurt to pee. i know for certain that i'm not pregnant because im a virgin. im really worried i hope someone can assistance me.

Answers:    It's probably spotting. You don't always cramp.
It could be that you are newly spotting a little bit between your period. It is usually no big deal or anything to be desperately concerned over. If you are worried though, ask your doctor, just to put your mind at facility. Your having a length hunny. Buy some pads. If it doesn't stop after a week after speak to a doctor just to trademark sure its nothing serious. But really, its freshly a period, adjectives women have them.
Well are you on your time? That might be it? this discharge can be referred to as spotting maybe. sometimes the average dermal layers of the vagina slough rotten. i dont know if you are on any medications, and sometimes they influence things approaching that. dont worry, this is typical for most women, now have said that though, you still need to communicate with you doctor.
after or previously period? possibly its just womanly discharge, its normal i reckon u got your interval hun.
Really!! Hmm did you adopt your daughter? anything is possible... I would say that it is newly spotting! and worry to much! You may want to have a word to your daughter about this.

Edit: You adopt her before you enter into high college classes? Interesting; I would think that would be evil.
If you are in your teens or closer it could be your period trying to regulate itself.
When girls are young at heart their bodies are full of hormones that are causing your body to devolution.
The stains you are finding could be from your uterus shedding its lining to untimely.

Or if its more of a slime you could have an infection.
Yeast infections are exceedingly very adjectives in young at heart ladies.
If you do have a yeast infection, avoid bubble baths and really hot water until the infection is cleared.
Either approach it is time for you to go to your condition care provider.
how r u supposed 2 be a virgin AND own a daughter!!??! liar! perchance u should see what ur daughter thinks of her mom going on womenanswers.org and necessarily telling culture she has no daughter! did you adopt the daughter?
I deduce we are trying to figure out the daughter/adoption/highshcool item.

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