Answers: Darling you merely fine!! HAHA i remember that feeling. Your freshly ajusting to the changes of womanhood it take a while to become regular. It may be regular at the begginig or if your like my sister it may lift 2-5 years. One of the reasons you may not be bleedin at dark is becuause your position, your lying down , imagine a bottle when you lay it down flat on a table and its leveled out thats whats mostly happening, also at times you might not bleed at adjectives. But it dosent mean it go away. wear pantieliner at night if you are unsure.
Totally ordinary. Your body is just adjust. You will most likely be irregualr some rather while. its perfectly mundane hun. your body is just getting use to you getting elder and starting your periods. they are going to be irregular and big one minute light the subsequent. dont fret hun, they will sort themselves out over time. xxx
Yes every thing is typical, dont worry, youll own heavy period and light period. Its normal. Your length more than likely wont become regular for in the region of another year or so. You may even go a few months short having one.
It will whip a while for everything to work "right" or regularly, and sometimes periods are a moment ago weird. I'm 28 and mine still come and shift around the 3rd or 4th night.