I'm having headache and heartburn kind sick to my stomach plus can't acquire any sleep what could this be?


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Could be sensitive to MSG. It's heavy within fast food, and chinese food.

Help me plz?


Sex query.?

I get heartburn symptoms too, sometimes. It's because my ** hurts.

For depo users is this regular or has happen to you ?

You might be experiencing the onset of the flu, or you ate something that a short time ago didn't agree with you.

Drink a 7-Up type of soda that have a little bit of carbonation surrounded by it to settle your stomach. If you have some saltine crackers in the house, chomp through some of them. They will also help to settle your stomach. Pepto Bismal may work for you as powerfully.

If you can't sleep, put on the t.v. and prop up your pillows on your bed, so you are sitting up. That may relieve some of the heartburn. If you are tired enough, you will know how to sleep.
It will pass. Just whip it easy.

I hope you perceive better soon.

Uterus Cancer?

maybe you eat too much yeast and corn products.
they are fungi...
do you munch through alot of bread?

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