After laprascopic surgery, my dr. said I had an ovary stuck at the back my uterus. Why?

He also said I have a mild defence of endemetriosis, but that my pain be most likely from the stuck ovary. He be unsure why or how it became stuck. He fixed it, but it keep happening and is PAINFUL! Anyone else suffer from this or know why or how it happen? I am 32 yrs old, enjoy had 2 successful vaginal births and am otherwise reproductively athletic.


Even mild Endometriosis can wreak havoc and cause incredibly aching symptoms. The scar tissue and adhesion that develop along with the disease can and do wreak organ torsion, fixed pelvis, displacement of ovaries, etc. etc.

It sounds as though maybe your doc, though his intentions are obedient, does not truly understand the disease and is consequently is not capable of truly excising it. If he is individual superficially laser vaporizing some areas of disease and leaving the bulk of it aft, and/or is not fully lysing the adhesions, it will verbs to recur and cause misery, symptoms, etc. etc. There is no absolute cure for Endometriosis, but here are successful treatment options approaching excision available "out there." It doesn't connote your doc is a bad guy, it simply means he have shortcomings like so abundant other docs where Endo is concerned.

I would recommend visit one of the specialty Endo treatment centers on the web to swot up more and get info pertaining to modern concepts of the disease:

Also, and for minister to and support.

Good luck to you.

I have be bleeding for over 5 months and I am not pregnant.?

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