I'm scheduled to procure my period right beforehand my bff's b-day party.abet!?

okay well my bff's b-day do is on saturday.and im supposed to have it surrounded by a day or 2...but it usually last about 7-8days..and I dont know what to do..its a pool gala AND a sleepover.I have used a tampon one time formerly.and it was playtex..but my fam usually have tampax...so basically I inevitability an idea of what to bring/wear..Please support me!!


Is this true?

a tampon is a tampon. bring plenty of tampons, and also bring some pads. personaly, i dont similar to sleeping in a tampon. you cant wear a tampon for more then 8 hours, so you should prolly bring at tiniest one pad to wear at dark.
and if you decide not to wear a tampon, next tell your friend that you enjoy your period and dont want to walk swimming. if shes a good friend, she will undersatand. freshly casually hang down out around the pool. good luck!

Do any other girls here soak up having within butt tickled with a fork?

What is wrong next to tampax? A tampon is a tampon no matter what the brand. Bring along plenty of tampons and own a good time.

Girls Only!!?

You can never be too sure when it will exactly come unless you enjoy always be on a regular schedule. No business what brand, a tampon is a tampon. So don't worry enjoy fun and enjoy the carnival.

Acne, even though I'm using facial cremes?

just dont go to the pool gathering but go to the shindig tell her u hold your period and if you want to progress then use a tampon

Why have my stomach started to bloat, it was so flat b4 but immediately it looks like iv get a balloon in near, why??

Bring tampons and pads in recent times like any other light of day.. It's not a big deal really. For swimming.. Suck it up and use a tampon or a moment ago don't swim, sorry.

tampons can be worn for up to 8 hours, so yes you can wear one to bed.

I'm 20/ f/ england Whats tests shud i hold had by immediately smear?

use whatever tampon you want. bring plenty of pad AND tampons so you can use what you feel approaching. and never sleep with a tampon b/c you could seize TSS. and if you do, change it every 5 hours AT LEAST. I would wear a wipe to bed

Ive had my preiod for 12 days!?

do NOT wear a white swim suit!! i'd wear a red two piece beside red board short over the bottom piece. ya, u can sleep with tampons, but dont do it deeply. get the tampax pearl big ones, they work. okay, clothes astute, wear dark colors, undoubtedly.
o ya, i almost forgot. at night wear a wad AND a tampon.
have fun at the gathering!

I have missed my extent for the pass 7days and i don't enjoy any symptoms ,usually when will this symptoms star

LOL ... take the tampons and get-together on! Yes, you can sleep in them. I prefer Tampax Pearl, myself.

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