Does anyone else capture super hungry and tired right formerly and when they start their extent?

I was just curious on how copious women experience this or something similar. I've been this way for years immediately. It sucks because I'm usually a really healthy eater and go to the gym 5 to 6 days a week, but during this time I enjoy no energy and all I can reason about is eating even though I know i'm not hungry.

Answers:    same here, jeeze i ate chocolate, hastily food, ice cream just the worst stuff this later week!

This is the way I know my period is coming. I achieve very tired and want to sleep. I don't really get hungry but I do crave chocolate. It is the one and only time I crave it. I do get that burst of energy a time before my period. Kind of resembling nesting...
I continue to exercise even if I don't have the liveliness. It helps relieve cramps and keeps me going. I achieve REALLY hungry the week before my period, and after when my period comes on, like the first daytime, I can't eat anything at all; resembling I have no appetite.

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