What does it suggest when you have brown yellow/brown discharge?

i just notice that i have highly dark sickly discharge (like, as in it merely started today).

after a while it dried up and became brown.

i own never had my interval so it can't be like after interval discharge.

does anyone know what this might be?

thanks so much!

Why do women other suffer from thrush or yeast infection?

The yellow discharge sounds resembling an infection - could be thrush. You need to see a doctor who will make a contribution you tablets to help the infection. If it smells, this confirms it.

The brown discharge could be your interval. Congratulations!! x See your doctor to check this though. Hope you're okay!

If it turns out to be your period, here is an A-Z of period to help yourself gain ready! x

Age - you can start your period at any age between about eight and 20. The average age is 13.
Bloating - While you're on, you can have a feeling really bloated and heavy. To relieve this, sip plenty of wet or eat foods containing loads of bran, like wholegrains and cereal.
Chocolate - If you're feeling down within the dumps and having discouraging period pains, intake a bit of chocolate release chemicals called endorphins into your brain, giving you a bright and breezy boost!
Discharge - This is totally normal and help to keep your vagina verbs and infection-free. The type and amount tends to swing during your cycle. If you're producing a lot at guaranteed times, wear a pantyliner to stay fresh and comfortable. If your discharge is lumpy, smelly or itchy, see your doctor to make sure everything's OK.
Emotions - Your hormones can turn crazy when you're on your period, making you touch vulnerable and teary.
Flow - This vary during your period, so choose the correct absorbency wad or tampon for the stage you're at. Remember to change these every four to eight hours.
Gentle exercise - This can relieve cramps and put together you less tetchy, so bearing the dog or dance around your room if you get the impression grotty!
Hormones - these chemical messengers motivation body changes.
Irregular cycle - Keep a diary so you know when to expect your time - but don't panic if they're a bit 'here and within' in the couple of years after you first start. Your cycle can also be artificial by stress, so try to stay chilled.
Jokes - Lads often snigger going on for "women's trouble" when you're in a fruitless mood. It's not 'cause they know when you are or aren't on, they're purely being unused and silly!
Kissing - Scientists claim that your face get better looking during your period. Why not whip advantage and flirt beside that lad you fancy while you're at your most gorgeous?
Length - a period last between three and eight days. These monthly changes - from the start of one spell to the start of your next one - is your menstrual cycle. It usually take about 28 days to stir full circle.
Moodswings - PMS (pre menstrual syndrome) can strike just until that time your period, overriding to moodswings or even mild depression. The main point to remember is it will soon pass - within the meantime, try a pamper sesh to pull your spirits.
Night time sanitary towels - They're extra thick and extra-long to hang on to you well protected adjectives night.
Ovulation - This is the nickname of the process by wich your ovaries release an egg each month.
Pain - Many girls capture mild backache or stomach cramps. For others, it can be a lot worse. Try easing pains near a hot-water bottle, warm tub, relaxation or a mild painkiller. If zilch works, ask your doctor for advice.
Queasy - If you be aware of a bit sick at this time, settle your tum with peppermint tea.
Rehydrate - Dehydration can be a problem at this time, so drink plenty of river to feel at your best.
Sanitary Protection - Try different kind to find out what's best for you. Most girls start out with towels and after move on to tampons.
Tampons - They may seem to be a bit fiddly and daunting at first, but once you're used to using them they're easy, discreet and convenient.
Underwear - Some girls consistency more secure surrounded by big knickers when they're on. But if you're using the right protection for your flow, leakage shouldn't be a problem.
Vagina - Showeing and bathing is fine during menstruation, but your vagina is prudish, so avoid using harsh or aromatic soaps when you wash yourself.
Womb - At the instigation of your cycle, a thick inside layer forms in your womb. If an egg isn't fertilised - which can't occur unless sex takes place - the body get rid of it, along with the womb bin liner. This is your period.
X-tremely annoying - Yes, period can be this, but they're a part of human being a woman, so keep smiling!
Yoga - Yoga can be a perfect way to relax muscle cramps and rigidity. Why not see if there's a qualified instructor giving classes in your area?
ZZZZs - Get plenty of sleep 'produce hormonal activity during your cycle can receive you tired.

Aviane birth control?

go to a doctor...


u might have a urine infection

Is it really complex?

you might be getting your first period

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