Can you administer a detailed answer almost what happen at the gyno? oblige?!?!?

Answers:    I'm a medical assistant that works in a OB/GYN clinic. We call for the patient backbone, take their vitals, ask question about their previous and current medical history. Some doctors may ask that the patient move out a urine sample and do a snatched dip stick test to experiment things like PH, blood, and a few other things. Before we sign out the room, we ask the patient to get hold of undress and put on a gown (like you might wear in a hospital). While we are out of the room and allow the long-suffering to change, we may enter info into their electronic medical documentation (most places are switching over to EMR - computer). Once the patient is primed, we go within and the doctor starts doing their examinations. He or she will check the breast for lumps, and move down the lower abdomen region and surface the ovaries and uterus. Then they will stick a tool in you (either plastic or metal) to overt and keep the vagina amenable long enough for them to look and stick a full-size q-tip or some other device to scrap the cell. The cells will next be swished around in a small bottle next to some fluid in nearby. They will then lug the tool out and then may squirt some jelly close to substance on their fingers and do an internal exam with their fingers and if your elder (50 or 60 +), they usually do an anal exam as well to take hold of a little of your stool and do a blood trial with that. The doctor may parley to you first or after they do their exams. You also may do some blood test if needed and prescribe any medication that might be needed. Once they get the results within, they will mail, call upon, email the results...depending on if its good or doomed to failure or may call you final in to see you to yak to you or run additional tryout. If everything is good.they will ask that you come support in per annum unless something comes up.
First the nurse will ask you to undress and wear a little smock. The doctor will come surrounded by and introduce himself or herself. They check your breasts for lumps, they give you a vaginal exam where on earth they put a plastic instrument inside of your vagina and take a pap smear. It looks close to a long Q-tip. It's to check for infections or STD's. They might give you an anal exam as okay. Don't be frightened. This is normal. If everything comes rear fine then you merely go once a year. It's for your own form and safety. Don't verbs. We are all upset our first time, but it's nothing to lose sleep over. Take vigilance and good luck. 1. The docotor asks why you're seeing him.
2. He'll ask your menstrual history -- how long you ovulate, your hormonal entertainment...
3. Your sexual activity, if any. Like how regularly you have intercourse, what you consistency after it, any discharge, pain, discomfort, etc.
4. If you'll do a PAP, he'll insert a forcep surrounded by your vagina to see through your cervix and check if it's clear from any unwanted bacterias or infections.
5. He'll get sample from whatever he finds surrounded by there to see if it's pious or bad.
6. You'll enjoy to go support for the results of the test. He'll explain it to you..if it's moral then you only go backbone maybe 3 months after for regular check-up or if it's desperate, he'll prescribe medicines and next go rear for another test.
i would close to to know this tooo!
cause i might hold to go to one.
and im startled to death.
do the pap things hurt?
You put on a gown, the doctor uses some lube, puts a moment or two "jack" inside you and takes a touch snip. It lasts 15 second and feels approaching a slight pinch. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am.
If you're having problems, sometimes he'll touch around to make sure everything feel normal. It's immediate and painless. u will put on the smock and then they will check ur the well communicate u to put ur feet within the sturps and then the doc will lube this clamp approaching thing and insert it surrounded by ur vaginal and then it open.. they will take q tips and swab and later close u up and ur done

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