Why does my lip keep hold of splitting?

For the past couple of weeks my bottom lip have been splitting right down the middle. I dont know why because my jaws arent chapped. When it does split it burns like crazy, and when i put fellow stick on it, it doesnt do anything. My lip will be perfectly fine and afterwards i smile or say something and it splits. What do i call for to do to make this stop? It is getting annoying along beside painful and i dont want it to win infected or look like i hold a big sore on my lip. Whats the deal?

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i've definately had duplicate problem before. you're chops may not seem chapped, but they are definately dried and perchance even cold (if you live in cold weather). chapstick on the odd occasion works, neutrgina lip ointments are nice (the kind in the tube!), and vaseline workds other as well. however, its nil to super worry almost, you probably wont get infected. also, be sure to drink more marine, it should help resting on the ointments :)

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Are you drinking satisfactory water? Dehydration can raison d`??tre cracked lips. Keep chapstick on adjectives the time or find some high point lip treatment. Also use lip balm with sun eyeshade during the day.

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Your lips may not be chapped but it sounds resembling you are a bit dehydrated I would use Blistex and drink more hose down. It should clear up in a week or so, but simply if you keep yourself very well hydrated and moisturized.

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What lip balm are you using? This is grotesque but you can become immune to your lip balm. What I use is burts bees. It is the best I have ver used. With a cool refreshing thought that moisturizes and frees you of pain!

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Add gelatin to your diet and see a doctor.

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dry lips are symptoms of a low class fever. could be from something as simple as allergies or some category of infection.

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Sometimes maw split due to a vitamin deficiency.

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Are you run down at adjectives? Viruses and colds can cause skin to slash more easily. Could also be an allegic reation

Its probably a short time ago that it has not have a chance to alleviate becuase of where it is, so keep spliting in the same nouns. try vaseline rather than chapstick and avoid everything else for a bit

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Fissures on the lower lip are adjectives. They are very bumpy and a real aggravation. Usually they do not indicate that you have a vitamin fewer or other deficiency. More normally they are due to chapping and/or dryness from the environment.

My suggestion is that you avoid licking your lips. I would apply marine to moisten your lip. This can be done with Kleenex or cotton or even you finger. I would apply Vaseline over the wet to trap it. It might just be what you call for.

If this does not work, your dermatologist might want to patch test you for allergies.

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Ugh...I know how you grain!! I had this when I be a kid and still get it occassionally.
It lately rips open when you smile or yawn or even only just eating. And it hurts resembling someone sliced it with a wound and moisturising it doesnt do a thing.
My doctor said it be a vitamin B deficiency and since taking a vitamin B suppliment, it hasnt happen.
Unless it looks infected (in which case it may be a cold sore) my guess would be that it is a vitamin B fewer. So get a accurate suppliment like Berroca, and after a month or two (takes awhile for your body to restore vitamin levels) its shouldnt come about as much or at all.
Best of luck and check out these sites.


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yeah dehydration, can cause dry maw, try Aquafina chapstick at all times and spawn sure to eat fruit, also try petroleum jelly or Vaseline. You own to use it every day. This should facilitate you It helps me. Good luck!

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