What ELSE could this be? Severe cramping right side!?

I am 8 weeks pregnant with my 5th child. A few days ago I wound up contained by the ER with severe cramping on the lower right side. Because I've already have my appendix taken out and the pain be low and not high (like a impudence bladder) everyone, including myself thought it was a tubal pregnancy but upon doing an ultrasound in the hospital, the babe was surrounded by the uterus, and not even a cyst on that ovary so no problems there. The other demonstrable possibility was a kidney stone but I have no blood in my urine. They sent me home near pain killer and anti-nausea medication (for the morning sickness) and after a couple of days of resting on my left side, the misery went away. Surely it wasn't newly gas, to last two unbroken days. This pain be SEVERE, like my insides be going to explode, I couldn't stand or talk through it. No vomiting, no diarrhea. Any other possibilities? Hernia? Aneurysm? No bleeding any, the pregnancy is fine.

What Could This Be ?

Some kidney stones don't show up on ultrasounds, most of them do show up on x-rays {I guess you weren't ordered x-rays because of your early pregnancy}. Absence of blood contained by your urine isn't a sure way to discard a kidney stone diagnosis, any. If this pain be worse than labor contractions, and according to the location, duration and intensity, I'm almost sure you passed a kidney stone. I gave birth to my daughter by vaginal forceps nativity without anesthesia, and I've passed almost a dozen kidney stones. I can tell you for sure, kidney stones hurt WAY MORE than giving birth, sweetheart! Hope that everything's fine near your pregnancy, and don't hesitate to return to the ER promptly if you experience this pain again.

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U may want to check ur kidneys because that be how I was when I found out something like having what U telephone call a Horse Shoe(U) kidney.

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I have that same problem while pregnant with my 3rd child. The doctor told me that it be just ligaments and muscles stretching to sort room for the baby.

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Keep contained by touch with your OB/Gyn and agree to them know (frequently) that you're having these pains.

That said, some of us in recent times have markedly painful pregnancies. It's not other that wonderful glowing piece we've always hear about. Pregnancy is full of round ligament agony, things stretching, bones loosening, all sorts of unusual feelings. And don't acquire me started on the hormones and mood swings!

I've had two babies, and that's ample for me! I got my tubes tied near this last one (he's six months infirm now).

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