At what age does fertility start diminishing? (women)?

I'm just curious...

Answers:    From 20-25 you have a 25 providence chance of conceiving each month
26-30 you own a 20 percent chance each month
31-35 you hold a 15 percent chance each month
and 35 and up you own a 10 percent chance each month

After 35 if you are TTC for more than 6 months you should walk seek fertility testing/help. If you are under 35 and TTC for more than a year you can want fertility testing/help

It can take a healthy couple beside perfec timing up to a year to conceive.
It shouldn't decline until you reach menopause if you keep your uterus in good health and in correct position. will explain more for you. If you use this therapy you won't hold to worry anymore about anything to do next to your fertility or reproductive cycle or organs. At the age 40 and continues to decrease 10% every year..
for 30 annual.
around 45-55 yrs old:)

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