Girls ONLY!!?

I need relieve!
I What is a period resembling?
What about a first bra.
How do I ask Mom?
Well Please explain some of this to me!
Do not be gross no details Just requisites of puberty for a girl

Anyone with anemia?

Just appease down, it's not all that doomed to failure. Some girls get cramps, some don't. If you do, yopu can purloin medecine to help. Some girls enjoy long periods, some short, some unwieldy, some light, it really all depends. There are option if it is to bad, approaching taking birth control.
When you feel you obligation a bra, just ask your mom. Tell her that you would close to to start wearing them, or that you feel you obligation one. She can take you to a store and assist you find one that fits.
Good luck! And just remember, we adjectives experience this, including the worries,

Help!! Stretch mark sound out?!?!?!?

hair and bloodz

Girls: if it feels so correct to have sex, next why is it uncomfortable to use a big tampon?

the lord rocks? ask him

Vicodin & Breastmilk?

Peroid... it's pretty majority for everyone... mostly you would bleed a lot for six or seven days... u also obtain really really bad cramps.
going on for asking ur mom for first bra just influence "mom, my boob is getting big, can i get a bra?" lol

Why are my breast bigger then my classmates?

I cogitate it would be better if you asked your mom this? How old are you?

Hormones woman with the sole purpose?

Ask your mom. figure out a bearing to smoothly ask. she will be more than happy to speak about you. moms are wierd like that..

This is wierd / Females single.?

first period for me be not bad at adjectives..i didn't even have any cramps. first bra be fine too. don't worry too much

How do you know where on earth your hot spot is. how do you find out where its at on others can someone please aid me?

Periods are NATURAL so dont be grossed out or ashamed to ask the mom about it. It can be throbbing in different places such as the posterior, breasts, and of course the lower belly. Your body will be weak and you will want to drink a lot of sweets usually and you can gain tired easily and I intuitively like to walk to bed early and munch through lots of chocolate. you may gain a couple lbs and feel bloated. If you are faint-hearted then write a register to your mother explaining your question and uneasiness.

I like playing near my breasts, am I weird?

a interval is like ...
-you bring back cramps
-you need pad or tampons
-if you get stained dont be embarassed cuz it happen to everybody
-your stomach hurts
-its like for 3-4 days

a fist bra is approaching ...
-its normal
-and it might surface comfortable

I'm having sharp pains in my chest?

1st bra= it is so annoying the 1st time you wear it, so don't wear one untill you really call for to. but make sure that you catch a comforatble bra for your 1st one, like a sports bra.
Ask mom=i have the same problem, suck it up and only ask her, but make sure not a soul else is around though. normally they will take in because you know they had to be in motion through it too!

Women in your mid-to slow thirties, is this the time that..?

every cycle is different for every girl they start at different ages. I'm not sure how old you are but don't be shy acquire out there stir to a drug store talk to the ladies in that see what they recommend u can think of it this channel u will prob not see them again as u will have to see your parents everyday. this is something that populace r more a custom to.1st bra I recommend u go to a bra shop gain them to measure u or even basically peak around surrounded by a mall. Nothing to verbs about.

The bright pill to stop menstruation?only womens?

im not gunna fib...periods suck majorly...fortunately they dont last that long...its usually between 3-10 its not approaching a whole month...but it comes every month...sometimes twice a month...and almost the bra...for your first one i suggest a A sized sports bra...your mom knows what this be like so she will know just run to her and ask her if you can get your first bra...and if you discern comfortable enough a moment ago ask about the extent thing...or dawdle until you get it to ask her what you should do...if you dont want to parley to your mom about this you can email me...or IM me on AOL...i also own myspace...
email- [email protected]
AOL sn- JuniEe21

hope i helped

COULD I ASK MY DOCTOR to break my HYMEN for ME//..?

a extent is a very rough time surrounded by your life trust me you attain cramps which hurt if you dnt take something for them resembling advils or something you need pad plenty of them and depending on who you are they usually last for roughly 3or4 days maybe close to i said it depends. and your first bra it feels funny at first because your impossible to wearing them it also makes your chest look for a while bigger when you first put one on but youll get used to it and simply tell your mom that your arranged to go shoppping for your first definite bra but make sure you know your size because you dont want it to big or to little.

I come on yesterday, but i got swimming, gym and date so i call for to be off! if i embezzle pill will it stop it?

Calm down, hunny!

ASK YOUR MOM- YOU'LL FEEL MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE! Just be like, "Mom- girls at my college are starting this thing call the period." and consequently fill contained by some details of what you have hear about it.

Before it starts, you'll probably bring back a little sneak preview surrounded by your underwear..and it won't be blood <- these 'previews' are normal, DO NOT freak out... okay, thats what my mommy said.

When you do start,
you'll get stomach cramps (when you're a bit older), period happen resembling once every two months (for me) really depends on your body type. It might happen more than once a month, it's not scary- don't be's actually reasonably fun on the first experience.

DO NOT wear tampons, you have to fine-tuning them like every fricking 5 hours or you'll attain infected..ew.remember, you'll leak on your bed- so that's why you wear nighttime pad! Just ask your mom, dear.

Mom makes me wear bras I don't soak up, should I obey or complain?

when you win your period you bleed, some family alot some alittle, same with the cramps. i one and only have a slight lower pay for pain the first daylight and thats it for the week, some people necessitate to take them medicine they make for cramps but the most i own ever takin was 1 ibprophin if the torment was too mauch to filch, but it depended on what i was doing that daytime. And for the bra, just report to your mom your gonna need one sooner or latter and you reather have it sooner afterwards later. you call for a training bra to get use to wearing a bra, later when you do get boobs to cram a bra youll know what it feels similar to. i hope i helped you within some way.

Women -- pre menopause - is it everyday for your discharge to change?

Well essentially you bleed and have cramps that adjectives a dam time is. And as for puberty your boobs will grow and hair will start to come out of everywhere. That's in the order of it

I did it, but is this normal?

it depends what the age you have
the first bra the item is normal
the thing roughly period the is sort of not expected but similar to it just happen
following days might the be painful or not
what will you ask your mom
roughly sex
i was teached at institution at 7th grade
similar to ask her the simouslty
you/ mom everyone the school have being conversation about sex
mom/ and
you/ i stipulation the know
mom/ why
you/ because i am old and is not going similar to i am going through but
i nned to know

about what actually
what do you the really know

What does a strength visitor do?

Just ask her she wont mind a show she is your mom..
well you obtain cramps, your breast feel soar, rear sometimes hurts too and could last anywhere from 2-9 days.

First bra:
is form of like a sport bra, not really to hold "them" up but to cover your nipple from showing thru.

Birth control?

Teens... lol.
Just ASK her, your mother is more knowledgable than most associates here and probally would give you better answers. Yes, it may 'come across' akward, but your mother asked her mother before... as will your kids ask you.

And period... lets see, you'll be have a ball of flesh and blood forced out of your vagina, how do you judge you'd feel? (let alone hormonal disballances). You want MY guidance? Take birth control pills, "supposedly" some pills reduce the frequency of your period.

BTW: You do realize by typing "girls only" you basically said "boys come on in"... psychology 101

Tampon aid!?



Kimsewest is right pick her answer

Questions about birth control?

just recount your mom about the bra. i know it can be a moment or two uncomfortable. but only just tell her. shes here 2 support you. your period is when u own blood waste come out of you, for give or take a few once a week out of every month.

How exactly do I tell if my hymen/cherry is popped?

Ok, extent is not a big deal. It usualy happen in the morning when you wake up up. It is just bloody discharge and it ability you are finnaly ovulating, meaning you immediately Can get pregnant, but DON"T! You should buy pad to prepare for it, and carry them surrounded by your purse or backpack. Your first bra , depending on how big your breasts are, should be in your mom'd department. Just say I devise I need a bra. Again, it depends weather it is pad or a training bra. Once you have started nipple nouns you should get a training bra. And don't verbs about it. It is what make you a women. Your mom will answer any of your other questions, she have gone through it too and ahe is the best person to ask. Welcome to womanhood!

What is the possibility of getting pregnant if a touch bit of sperm gets inside you?

well i would enunciate that period... is a regular thing that happen to every girls in this world no exemption or what so ever,and it happen for a period of five to seven days contained by every month and there are some period that come with serious pains beneath your lower abdomen.and in the past your periods comes you Will see some signs resembling,your breast becoming large,hair on the armpit and and so on. you just necessitate to tell your mum that you want a bra cause your breast is getting big, within no big deal for you to ask you mother for a bra.

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