Women -- pre menopause - is it normal for your discharge to transfer?

I have notice over the past 5 months or so that it is getting a slightly stronger smell... not unpleasant. Also back someone asks... I am not sexually active, and haven't be for almost 9 months.so it is not an std.. not an yeast infection (old enough to very soon what that is), or an UTI.

How do eggs look like from your extent?

Yes, it's normal for your discharge to tweaking as your hormones change.
Are you drinking ample water? Are doing anything topical, are you under more stress?
You can also hold your doc. do a hormone test to see what's going on.

How long does spotting later?

Yes, it can. Mine is different as well. It's due to hormonal change usually.
I'm 44 and started Peri-menopause in July 2006. The shift in discharge is one of the things I own experienced.
Check with your Gyn merely to be sure, even though you don't have an observable infection. My situation may be different than yours.

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