My girlfriend's vagina have an odor?

I'm 16 years old and own really never engaged contained by sexual relations until recently. Me and my gf begin to fool around and when I went down on her I in a jiffy noticed an odor somewhat approaching a sweaty underarm. It was extremely strong and I didnt want to tolerate her know so I just stayed away from it and go back up. Im not sure if adjectives vaginas smell this way because this is my first experience. What do I do?


All vaginas hold at least a slight odor. It might in recent times be something new to you that you hold to get used to, but if it smells really strongly, it could be an infection. A bready smell could indicate a yeast infection; a fishy smell might be bacterial vaginosis. If it's only just a really strong sweaty smell, though, it could just be a hygeine issue.

Next time you're anyone intimate, see if anything has changed. If it's like smell as last time, linger until you are dressed and relaxed and try bringing it up. Tell her that you like going down on her, but she smells different from what you expected and that you're worried she might hold a health problem.

Good luck! :)

Question going on for Birth Control?

More likely than not, she be on her period.

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No, it is not run of the mill for a woman's vagina to smell the way you described. You necessitate to let her know what you notice. It's very possible that she might hold an infection going on and this needs to be checked out by a dr.

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She may enjoy a yeast infection, some doctors say its not transferable by sex and other utter it is so be careful and perchance talk to your girlfriend seriously give or take a few it. DONT GOING TELLING YOUR FRIENDS. Just say to her that because you fastidiousness you think she should see a doctor or at lowest some thrush medication from the chemist.

Good luck

Does anything come out of a woman when she has an orgasm?

eeeeh...i would straight up let somebody know her.

Period question?

No they aren't suppose to smell approaching arm pits. She needs to verbs her vagina more but I'm not sure how she'd feel if you told her...

Will I be ok?

maybe she is an ignorant of it, maybe buy her some tub and body stuff, with for a while note motto u love her... might work, if it begins to be a problem afterwards i would gentle inform her. and no , not all women hold an Oder

Strech marks?

No, it should not smell at adjectives. Maybe she should shower before you resolve to do that again.

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Well mine doesn't thank you,
Sometimes they can smell if you don't get wash regularly or if your on a period, bestow it another go and if it still smells you should let somebody know her,
oh yes it would smell if she has an std.
be easy-going if you do tell her. angelic luck son

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ur girlfriend stinks..... ewwwwwwwwwww
ewwwwwww ewwwwwwwww ewwwwwwwww.... ewwwwww thats sick

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Tell her to go for a dip with Ivory soap it have no perfumes or dyes to irritate her vaginal nouns and it helps next to the sweaty underarm odor down there. Tell her to use the Ivory and stay away from the douches and she shouldn't smell close to that again.I forgot to add .you're 16 ? Why are you have sex and going down on HER? Please stop having sex at lowest possible until you're married!

I started whereing abra in 2nd grade is that commonplace?

Tell her to wash first previously she wants any genus of special treatment.

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talk to her something like it but nicely, this will be terrifically hard and embarrasing for her to hear. also some girls when they go swimming they dont wash their vaginas next to soap, only beside water because some believe that soap cause yeast infection which is not true, if she only uses wet tell her its ok to use soap and if she is still not ok next to that then update her that there are specialy made soaps in recent times for her vagina. also she may have something wrong next to her and she just may not know it.

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Vaginas are not supposed to smell bleak...It may have of late been that one time or she may stipulation to get herself checked out. It could be any number of things resembling maybe she be sweaty from a long day, if she have pubic hair after a long hours of daylight it could smell ( shaved is always best next it always smells good), if she in recent times finished her period that daylight it might smell a little, if sh have any type of an infection it will smell, if she is unclean it might smell. But it should not smell- don't be discouraged by your first experience...

Which is better?

There's no route to say for sure if it be her natural odor or an infection.

If I have to guess I'd guess that she was sweaty and unwashed.

You body can sweat everywhere, do you hold any clue how bad ball can small? I wish I didn't.

Give it another shot when you know she's have a shower

What are some examples?

Don't jump to conclusions though! This is a awfully sensitive subject. There is a difference between normal "be at school adjectives day and it be hot" BO and a yeast infection. Everyone assumes infection at the drop of a hat when it comes to girls parts. They do hold a distinctive smell. I suggest you catch her after a shower. ;)

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hose the girl down approaching a dog in the backyard, permit her have some standard issue soap and be verbs. Oh and tell her most inhabitants bathe atleast once a light of day.

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Sounds resembling an issue of cleanliness, not infection. I would be REALLY upset if my partner told ME I was stinky, so study out. Instead, try having sex surrounded by the shower together.or after a shower. Try playing with aromatic oils, food even.

Maybe the armpit smell be a one time thing. You might own caught her off guard. Try again and see if it's still in that.

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I can't believe no one have suggested maybe a 16 year elderly shouldn't be having sex. Or at most minuscule not with someone he doesn't consistency comfortable enough to speak to about something resembling this!

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