Around what age do...............?

around what age do guys find out that girls get period?

Side effects of plan b?

It depends on how many females are surrounded by the house. Also how the parents how talked to their son. However, boys probably don't really figure out until about 14 or 15

Should I carry a vibrator for my wife?

12 or 13

What is the best exercise to get my butt vertebrae in shape? (literally)?

Like middle school--as soon as they find out you will know since they excite the girls about it.

Breast throbbing!?

^-^ middle school :). but i didnt know much give or take a few them untill highschool O_o.

Wow teasing? thats completely embryonic -.-'. but i guess most guys are xD

Dropping Hemoglobine?

the youngest is about 8 or 9 and so on 10-13

My OB/GYN merely put me on "Loestrin 24 Fe" birth control pills and I'm SUPPOSED to start taking them today

Everyone is different but most girls get them by the time they are starting illustrious school. I get mine like right after I turned 11, but I get mine younger then profoundly of people I know. Don't verbs about it, you are lucky you don't own it yet. Trust me you own plenty of time to find out what it is like.

The expiration date on Today Sponge?

the average age a girl starts her time is 12. "However a girl can begin menstruating anytime between the ages of 8 and 16"

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