Method of Birtth Control that stops period?

Not the shot, im getting off of it, ive be having fruitless side effects
But i have horrible period to the point where my cramps brand name me cry


Any1 here has ever use Avon's Anti Cellulite & Stretch discoloration cream?

Nothing will totally stop your period. I am on Seasonale and that make it come every 3 months. It was a discomfort at first thoughgt because until my body was used to it I be having plentifully of spotting. You have to trade name your you take it at the EXACT some time everyday though. Other than that I would reccommend it.

Vaginal Thrush?

i dont no what else will stop period. i no the pill will throw them off for a bit...or you cant ry the patch but i dont no how the patch effects your period...sorry love! get better!

Can stress be paid your stomach swell?

Hysterectomy. Sorry I shouldn't joke. I don't know but Good luck!

I estimate i ovulate twice a month?

i was freshly debating the pill that stops the period completely.. i own ad cramps and horrible mood sewings but it make me so nervous to mess next to my body and nature and stop it adjectives together... talk to your doctor and see what they have an idea that before you progress that drastic! take tylenol and use a hot compress to relieve the cramps surrounded by the mean time.

How credible is it to get pregnant stale precum after the guy has urinated?

The pill will backing lighten the cramps.

I'm on Kariva (got stale of depo) and have have no cramps. I used to have them so unpromising they made me cry as well.

Do not grasp depo. The ONLY good entity about it is eventually you don't own a period. But within are so many gloomy side affects I'm surprised its still administered to women. I was on it for four years and am so glad I am past its sell-by date of it!

While walking or just sitting, my knees crack. Is it bleak?

Talk to your gyn. There are bc pills that you don't take a week off-
Also b/c pills really cut back pms symptoms ie- no more cramps or fewer smaller number sever ones

Whats LOVE?

theres this on the bbc:

The contraceptive pill?

Cramps hurt, grow up. You don't have to stop your term completely and f up your system for life for cramps that second 2 days out of a month. They make plenty of anguish killers.

Hey, you know it's your body do what you want. Tie your tubes.


Experience of the Mirena coil (UK single please)?

I would have your doctor check you for Endometreosis (wrong spelling, I dont hold spell check). My step mom had alike problem. It is very treacherous if not diagnosed.

I have a full hysterectomy 2 years ago and have be on premarin since. Can I stop taking it at once?

Seasonale(R) is a birth control pill, which has a 91-day supply of pills. This product have 84 pills with involved ingredients and 7 inactive pills to be taken during the week of menstruation. This product allows you to simply have 4 menstrual cycles per year.

After a gyno appt?

I honestly dont give attention to its good to skip your length for months at a time. Kind of like I didnt infer the patch was a polite idea and contained by the end it wasn't. Someday I imagine they will realize having your spell is a good piece and you should have it EVERY month, not when you pick and choose. Anyways, I own cramps really bad as very well...I have gone to the Emergency room surrounded by the past b.c. of it. My doctor put me on some really strong meds but I cant remember what they are call right now (started beside an "S"), and I dont have the bottle next to me because I'm at a friends house. Call your doctor and ask for some pills to subside the pain, she/he should contribute you something right away.

Good luck.


I'm always vastly wary of anything investigational (especially for women) that has no actual long term conducting tests. I'm concerned as to how this might effect child-bearing later.

This is something like the symptoms before i carry my period XD?

Depo Provera injections if they still do them but i get the injection(s) before and did not hold a period for almost a year. you still go and get all the PMS symptoms (gas, bloating, ovulation pain/cramping) depending on what your PMS symptoms are, I don`t know some occassional spotting, however these injections, from personal experience and speaking to others that have have them had cause "missed" periods. There is a pill out immediately that lessens the severity and duration of your time. There is a commercial out for it now, i cannot take back the name though. Good luck.

My ex-girlfriend desires help and i don't know what to do?

I am on the Otho Evra Patch and despite what I enjoy heard within the media, I own never had a problem near it at all. Best piece about them is that they stay on the skin for a week and I forget it is within. Not only that, but it is straightforward to stay continuosly on it without taking the week bad for your period.
But explicitly what works for me.
Only precaution is, if you smoke. The patch wouldn't be for you.

Or they just come out with this No Period Birth Control call Lybrel. Here check out this website:

Hope this helps.

Has anyone used the ortho evra patch?

i don't know of anything that stops period all together but you're womanly and will get one. i've hear the shot isn't that great and they make you touch worse. i have be on the pill since about 13 because i have very irregular cycles w/ chunky flows. not much cramping but get severe headache. i am now on trinessa, which is a substitute for orth tri-cyclen. my period have never be better. for the cramps, there are pills you can hold, such as bayer, midol, or pamprin. or the old-fashion method of a heating wipe. good luck & hope things bring back better!

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