Healthy means of access to get rid of stress? please abet?

so i am hear because of my mom(almost 40) i am 25 and she had triplets roughly speaking 5 years ago whith her 2nd husban. Anyways she is under a large amount of stress and depression and i so want to help her, she live contained by Africa i moved to the USA. I hate seeing her similar to that and i want to her be happy. Currenly she is taking tablets and i know that is so bad for you for her body. I am hear to find out if there is something out in attendance that wont harm her body so much. Like natural vitamins , positive mood supplements anything but that bloody crap. Your help will so much be appricated:) I want too relieve my fantastic mom anyway i can i love her alot and dont want her to harm herself.
gratefulness and have a fantastic day

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I know she may not own a lot of time, but exercise is a GREAT stress reliever and anti-depressant, and it can be free (just walking around, etc).

Does n e body kno how to properly munch through out a girl?

try lavender baths, fruits, organic foods, relaxing, maybe yoga?

I get really unpromising period pains close to a throbbing sensation, I get hot & sweaty & I catch diarrhoea? What is it?

there is something called "Rescue Remedy". It's a Bach flower essence available at vigour food stores or on-line. It's totally safe and you can't over dose. You put a few drops within water or on your tongue. It have worked for me when I was anxious.

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If your mom is underneath stress after the birth of her triplets, she needs to jump see a physician, no matter how cumbersome that may be to see if she have post-partum depression. I would suggest going to this website and checking out what it says.

More than anything she requirements to talk to someone who any professionally or in her life span as an elder would give her an ear to listen to her problems and guide her within the right direction. I'm afraid that she or you will look to a quick fix for a problem that requires a social grating, emotional support and possibly professional help. You can verbs to be a supportive daughter, talking to her contained by a non-judgmental way and letting her natter to you as a friend.

She can start by practicing some yoga, going for walks near some friends on a daily font or some other activity/hobby she enjoys that will clutch her mind off her situation.

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Stress can arise for a range of reasons. Any shift in our lives can be stressful. In dealing near stress, the lifestyle needs a complete overhaul. We should be placed on an optimum diet, and appropriate regular exercise and adequate rest. Check out http://sumiram2006-stressfree.blogspot.c... for more info.

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