
ok my bf has be having pains since thursday on his departed side in between his side and stomach and im not to sure wat it could be, anyone get a clue? or wat should i do, or tell him? or where on earth can i look like a robustness website or something idk!

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Could be kidney, gall stones or appendix - I would convey him to go to the doctor. Check but absolutely tell him to see a doctor - don't want to try and guess. Good luck!

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If it doesn't get better by the fall of saturday I would go into the doctor, it could be something serious, or something simple as a strained muscle. You can't be too sure and it is other better to get it checked out later to try to guess what it could be. Most of your organs are on the right side so if he is having issues on the vanished side then it is probably something simple as a pulled muscle. Was he doing anything that could own caused it? If it be a kidney something then it would be lower put money on not on the front.

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I sugest he get it checked out. Depending on what type of pain it is- burning, sharp, dull and where on earth it is located will determine what it could possible be. Yes it could be as minor as a pulled muscle or kidney infection up to something more serious like appendix or gallbaldder. Your appendix is usually lower. I can't instigate to tell you how frequent times I have pulled those side muscles and man!! It hurts close to something is wrong with me. Does he enjoy any other symptoms, fever, fatigue, aching elsewhere in body, does it wake up him at night, worse when he moves, vommiting, revision in bowels, have it affected his intake, etc. I say see the doctor asap so you can enjoy peace of mind.

Pain is your body's way of describing you something is wrong.

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