Is it pregnancy or just really impossible PMS?

Im not late nonetheless but my PMS symptoms were for a while late adjectives I got be breast tenderness(only WAY worse than usual, cant even sleep on my stomach and have swollen a full size) The solitary cramps iv gotten was yesterday and it be breif and only on my vanished side and not very bumpy. Normally i get REALLY impossible cramps leading up to the sunshine of. Also i cant focus on anything and keep spacing out. And dont grasp me started on the nausea,bloating and mood swings (I feel approaching a baby since adjectives i feel approaching doing is crying all the time.) I use the ring but be late putting it here month so i just skipped a month thinking it would still be ok. since ego done it before and be ok...Bad idea or am i simply havin a bad PMS month? Oh and im not craving choc or sweets when i customarily go crazy for it..

I don't want to 4'11 forever?

You did not tender your age. It could be either or, but it does nouns like you are pregnant. Have you have any of these symptoms before? The merely way to find out for sure is to do a pregnancy assessment.

Gurls only?

I doubt you're pregnant... I would continue until one day AFTER your expected term to take an over-counter PG exam. If it's positive, then go and get a blood test done to know for sure.


My friend told me that when have your period.?

sounds to me approaching it would be a good thought to have a pregnancy question paper done.

This is driving me crazy!?

I had equal thing evolve to me right before I found out that I be preg. I wasn't even close to being overdue. My breast hurt so bad that if I hit s bump surrounded by the car while driving I thought that I would die. I also have just small cramps on one side. My doctor said that it is sometimes cause when the baby attaches itself. I took a interview best nothing showed up until I be about a week unpunctually (3 weeks later) Then again you may not be. Are you under stress? That could grounds this as well. Either agency, good luck.

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