Is in attendance anything wrong next to a girl not wearing underwear?

My boyfriend suggested I not wear any just for fun and now I LOVE it!

Answers:    Depends.

You shouldnt if your wearing jeans. The dye from them against your vagina adjectives day isnt good and could basis irritation.

I guess its ok if your in a free flowing cotton skirt. Just not in denim..

It's a moment or two innappropriate.
For special occasions for your lover is fine.
But if you're talking something like more frequently..Then..It's not really..healthy..

But that's just my feelings.

Have fun..
lol, nothing wronge at all. Personally, i don't close to it, but my mom and sister both don't wear any. And, i heard on a show, that it's better not to wear them because it allows ur vagina to "breath" get nouns around there, u know? lol Well, you NEED to wear it SOMETIMES, don't you? or at least, if you don't it will be embaressing when you obtain your period? =/

Besides that, no problem.
I'll tell you a wonderful story:

One daylight, as people were walking up the stairs, this senior girl be standing by the rails.

She had no underwear.

Guess what the integral school saw that day?.
Nope nil wrong but I suggest you do when your period comes

Answer mine?
Its not really wrong unless you are showing off whats underneath your skirt. And formulate sure you wash your clothes A LOT. Nope and anyway,
more and more people are going into the trend of going commado!!.

flowing access! woohoo! .
well if you're wearing dress just net sure there's no wind Not if you're Britney Spears..
not at all!
i travel commando too whenever the mood strikes me! you are nasty and have no class at adjectives sounds kinda trampy.
not really just that you will have to dry-clean your clothes more often Are you a slut?

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