My vagina get real itchy and it swells alot and i loose alot of white stuff whats wrong next to me?


This isn't exactly a question?

You could own an infection such as thrush.
That causes those symptoms.
Or it could be an STD.
Go and see your Doctor or Gyno.

I am a virgin..i of late dont get turned on by watching porn where couple have sex?

thrush..progress to the chemist and get some Canistan

Asking my mum nearly using a training bra?

You need to move about to a doctor! Sounds like an yeast infection to me. Go see a doctor, who can confer you medication to clear it up.

What does it mean when i wipe and its red down low and its not on my extent?

Maybe, You need to consult your OB-gyne.

I hold a cystoscopy in the morning! What should I expect?

You enjoy a yeast infection and until you treat it you will keep passion this way. Go to the store and grasp what is called
"Monistat 1" This will clear up the infection and abet you. It will give you directions on how to use the product. It's greatly simple once you do it. Most women use this product because it's the best thing to use contained by the privacy of your own home, and it gets rid of the infection really flawless too.

To the girls on this site can you maybe furnish me some insight as to why my girlfriend is acting this way?

What is your age? Exclude diabetes. Most probably it is fungus infection. Get yourself examined by the doctor

Brown discharge not stopping??

Most possible a yeast infection like a candida.
There are over the counter creams you can use: you'll get the impression better very in the blink of an eye.
Just be sure you keep using the cream as long as foreseen and do not stop basically because you feel better.
If you enjoy a sexual partner if might be safe for him to bring together the cure and it will avoid a risk of reinfection for you.

Have u ever been 2 Holiday World?

Take it from a mother. You can shift to your Doctor and be treated. You can also eat yogurts with live cultures. We all hold good bacterias that comfort our bodies. Yogurt helps both yeast infections and thrush next to out all the creams and stuff.. If you enjoy been sexually involved w/o protection your partner may have a yeast infection and should be treated too ie. yogurt. Males don't hold any side effects to let them know if the hold on or not. But it is a cycle. Nothing to stress over. Your Doctor will tell you indistinguishable.

Can A OBGYN Diagnose Post-Partnum Depression?

Sounds like some sort of infection down in attendance...go and see your doctor they are the just ones that can diognose it and treat it effectively.

Take care

Can anyone communicate me what happens to a midwife if a toddler dies during delivery?

Agree. It's yeast or fungus infection travel to the doctor to get your best treatment.

Anyone else thinking that Always up to date pad design (changed from the dri weave) sucks?!?

yeast infection

How can I enjoy a lighter period, minus taking chemical meds?!?

you forget to use soap and water on your twat? How 'bout vinegar and dampen? Nasty, nasty, callous.

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