Is it desperate to have sex on your term?

Besides the fact that it can bring back really messy, is it o.k. to have sexual intercourse when a womanly is on her period?

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It is perfactly ok as long as you and him are comfortable beside it. You will still need to use protection. My wife and myself own done it several times, and in standard, if you do it in the shower, it make clean-up a breeze.

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Its not bleak, but you should be careful, sometimes you can be contained by pain on your term and you wouldn't want to "overdo it" but other then that..anything suits you..don't get the sheets messy!

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yeah, i mean the guy won't mind... but you could draw from preg.
i wouldn't risk it.

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i suggest to skulk,
my sister's friend did that once and she
started to bleed in the middle of the fun.
Her bf be disgusted, and almost dumped her
so i suggest you wait.

!Girls one and only!! Sex question?

Nope, simply messy...Some ladies will do it and some wont...

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It's quite ok to do that but a light of day or two after the period ends intercourse may be tender as the vagina is a little dry.

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It depends on the womanly if she is interested she can allow to have sex during term. If there is no bleeding it is not a problem it if the bleeding continues consequently there is problem for both otherwise minus any hesitation it can be done. It is undisruptive and nothing to verbs about pregnency.

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I don't know your age, but speaking from experience I can
tell you that it does get the impression strange and ackward when you are
on your period and have sex for the first few times.
Most women seem to verbs about the blood. But to be precise
nothing to verbs about. You won't bleed more or smaller number. Some
think it's gross because of the blood. It really isn't. Your
a woman and most woman truly feel more sexual at that
time. Some men don't prefer to see the blood or to have
sex at that time, and other men don't supervision. Just make sure
you use a condom other, until your ready to own children
and otherwise, don't worry. Everything is fine. There is
nought wrong with have sex while your on your period.

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friend..surely you should not bring into the sexual intercourse during this period..from the date you hold the period, till 7 days you should not own sex.
8th day, 12th daytime, 15th day currently u can have sex for the biddable generation and from (after) 18th morning you can make whenever you are intrested...

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Definitely bleak and it is not hygienic also

Would he have sex next to me?

Its sin and invitation to disease..dont be nympho control yourself..

Since birth control pills make your body focus that you are pregnant. . .?

I would not know if it is safe but ...yak.may be for some but Ifeel it is not the right time.would you or she relish

If you got fluent bigger boobs, can they cause you frequent pay for pains ?

its fine, if its a really messy day own it in the shower, impressively sensual with adjectives that warm dampen comming down. how can you guys be so darn up tight over a little blood, and adjectives your indian medical ideas, pious lord it has nil to do with genuineness, wake up, use existing medical info.

Can you get pregnant if you enjoy sex while on your period?/?

Definitely impossible and it is not hygienic also .but it also have some advantages resembling not getting pregency and all.i mull over u should wait adjectives those days by not doing sex.

Is it true to have worser cramps after have sex for the first time?

no as far as you and your partner are comfortable with it

What compassionate of effect will taking Zoloft have on a woman's term, brother? Will it make her irregular, brother?

It is clearly healthy to enjoy sex while you are menstruating, for you and for your partner. Remember that if you do have sex during your term, you are more susceptible to STDs and more prone to spread one that you have, so use a condom unless you've have your partner tested.

Despite what some posters seem to believe, it is possible to become pregnant while menstruating, though this is special. Unless you've very, intensely carefully charted your ovulation cycle, ideally next to the help of a doctor, you should not rely on the days that relations state as your "fertile" days, because they really vary from individual to individual, and women who use this method become pregnant slightly often.

If you're worried almost the mess, just be sure to put a towel lower than the area you'll be have sex or just do it contained by the shower. If you and your partner are comfortable with it, in that's nothing wrong next to it at all, and, contained by fact, some women are much more aroused during this time in their cycle. Just because at hand is some blood does not mean that it is not hygienic to enjoy sex, though you should be careful to verbs up afterwards, as blood can attract bacteria if gone in the interested air for too long.

Girls! Girls Only! I obligation an Answer!?

its not hygienic to have sex during period. u can b prone to stds.ok

Will it come?

It is perfectly fine to hold sex when a woman is having her time of year. As long as both partners are up for it, lately lay a towel down to protect the bed and go for it. Having a wet through washcloth handy will help near the clean up afterwards. Some studies own shown that having an orgasm can relieve relieve cramps. As always, wear a condom everytime, the entire time.

Where Did My Everday Discharge Go?

It is not advisable to hold sex when a female is on her time

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