I estimate I might have a yeast infection in my mouth, is it required to see a doctor?

im 19 years old, ive never have a yeast infection before?

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yes because you requirement some medication to get rid of it.

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Unless you have antibiotics on mitt, you will need to see a doctor for thrush.

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It's definatley possible. Only a Dr. can perform the crucial tests and perscription if you have need of on.

I'm 36 with no children, hold not had a mens. within 20 years I want children what should I do.?

umm... yeah dont you want the medicine to cure it huh.. if then no

Really iregular please assist!!!!?

Yes if you think you own thrush you need to see a doc to acquire it treated. Go get it checked out so you can start treatment right away if you do enjoy thrush.

If you dont have sex..?

Yes, it is indispensable to see a doctor if you have a yeast infection in your mouth (commonly call thrush). It is an infection that you can pass on to someone if you are intimate near them and the infection can be passed back and forth. The doctor will probably prescribe an antibiotic and if you enjoy a partner make sure he/she get check out too.

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Yes. You need to seize a diagnosis from a professional and a treatment for the candida, if that is what's wrong. Yeast infection in the mouth is call thrush. If you have it in that, you have it throughout your body and want a systemic treatment only a Dr. can Rx.

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Yes, women and men (and babies and children) can procure yeast infections in the mouth; this is called "thrush." Thrush can materialize from performing oral sex on someone who has a genital yeast infection. It can come about when yeast is transmitted to the mouth via thumb-sucking, nail biting or chewing on objects that hold yeast on them. It may occur after taking potent antibiotics, which can smooth away the beneficial bacteria that customarily keep yeast surrounded by check. It may occur within immunocompromised people, including those undergo cancer chemotherapy, using steroid medicines or infected beside HIV. Diabetics are also more likely to bring yeast infections, including thrush.
Oral yeast can be easily diagnosed by examining the mouth., It usually forms a gooey, white plaque on the tongue or sides of the mouth that can be wiped rotten. It is treated by using antifungal rinses or lozenges, available by prescription. If you think you hold an oral yeast infection, you need to see your doctor for treatment.

Damn you, stupid boys! (Which channel Girls Only)?

Yeast infections in the mouth are actually really common. Have you be on antibiotics, they are the usual cause. Ig's if truth be told called oral thrush. Babues find it pretty commonly and antibiotics easily lead to it. Yes, you need to go and get a prescription for something like Nystatin swish and swallow. You swish it around your mouth and the gargel near it and swallow it, sorta like mouth wipe up but you don't spit it out. If you don't treat it it gets to the point that you can almost not even drink water because your mouth hurts so much. Look within the mirror,is your tongue white coated, is it bright red, does it hurt alot. You need to see your Dr.

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well its pretty unlikely that you would have a yeast infection in your mouth, that usually just happens to babies, but isn't unheard of surrounded by adults. In any case you should see a DR exact they would need to rule out somethings similar to strep, etc. Antibiotics would only breed it worse, as that will kill any Bactria that would combat the yeast. The only entity I know for this, (if thats what it is) is to "paint" your mouth with Gentian Violet 1% solution, use according to the directions or what the Dr say. It will look really strange... it makes your mouth bright purple. Then you would want to avoid sugar, beer, and alcohol really. You can look up info on candida to find the things that it feed on and helps it thrive so you can avoid drinking them. And thoroughly boil anything that you put in your mouth or at least run it though a dishwasher.

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