Am i frigid?

im married n have kids but still dont know what orgasm really is although i savour making love w/ my hubby.what i want to know is how would i know if i came or not?ably honestly speaking when i uses vibrator i know when i came or not but when surrounded by real i dont know.why?am i frigid?


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I wouldn't say that you are frigid. I don't reckon that anyone in a comfortable, intimate situation is frigid. Frigidity is the result of suspicion or beliefs that what they are doing is somehow wrong.
If you come, you will know it.
Some people hold physical limitations that prevent them from experiencing orgasm. If you can orgasm with a vibrator, you are openly physically capable, which is a appropriate start!
I am assuming that hubby is considerate to your feelings and isn't making you touch to defensive to be truly intimate.
Sex is a particularly subjective topic and alot of factors come into play while in an intimate stroke. Since you have said that you hold kids, maybe you should try to see as many sensual situations as you can, grasp a sitter and get away beside hubby. When away from responsibilities, tell hubbie some of your fantasies and see where on earth things go from near. If this doesn't work, see a counselor that you feel unbelievably comfortable with to see if you enjoy any past incidents or beliefs that may inhibit orgasm. Good luck!

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dunno wht a frigid is lol hahahaha LOLROFLMAO!!

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you would know. even though i am guy, i know you would know. you need to surmise about what you approaching and what turns you on. then progress to your husband with that. resembling anyting else in a relationship, you need to be embark on and honest about sex as all right. don't just sit stern and let him transport a ride. have fun. put together it different, make him do things too. i bet he will soak up it as much as you do.

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what you requirement to do is to mix a table spoon of honey, with avocado and alphalpha germ. Consume that 1 to 3 times a week and next you'll see some changes where on earth you throw away your vibrator.

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Many many various women do not orgasm with intercourse. This does not be going to you are frigid it means you are everyday. If you do not orgasm with intercourse you necessitate to let your husband know and it is next his repsonsiblilty to either manually or in words bring you to orgasm after intercourse.

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No, you are not frigid. You are just unsure of whether or not you have an orgasm with your hubby.

Maybe the undamaged act of sex feel so good that you don't know if you come or not?

Or maybe, he have never touched your G-Spot with his penis, and he have never given you an orgasm?

Try getting on top and riding him. I orgasm easier when I am on top.

Try different positions and see which ones make you orgasm.


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You would know. Trust me on this one.

There's no describing it, but when you experience an orgasm, you are fully aware of it. There's no mistaking it for something else, no missing noticing it.

It sounds similar to your husband needs to spend some more time on foreplay and directly stimulating you. Most women who mull over they are "frigid" are not - they just aren't getting the right amount of attention. That doesn't miserable your husband isn't trying or doesn't care, lately that you guys need to work on it some more. The reality that you can climax with a vibrator is proof that you're not frigid.

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No, within are many women who do not enjoy organisms during sex. A penis penetrating a vagina is in recent times not enough. The clitoris must be stimulated for a woman to enjoy an organism. Maybe you can ask your husband to change his position and try to hit your clitoris nouns while you are having sex.

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if you had one you would definatly know you entail to relax try not to focus on it so much the stress will make it even harder for you to orgasm you call for to calm down and shift with the flow ask him to reimburse alot of attention to you extra 4play and to go down on hold him spend more time rubbing your clit that should help you orgasm if you still own problems visit a gyno describe him/her your prob and see what they say worthy luck

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If you're questioning whether you've come or not, afterwards you haven't come

Edit - 2 above, "organisms"

If that guy is actually a girl I'll provide you a thousand bucks. I highly doubt it is a girl though.

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leave your husband. 2 points!

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Many women cannot acheive orgasms via intercourse alone. Your responsive abilities will increase beside age - nature does that. Frigid imply avoiding physical contact - so you aren't frigid since you enjoy time near your husband. Maybe it's time to explore other 'activites' with your husband to find how best you can soak up this the way you desire?

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your fine lots of women dont do or cant tell check out aporn
some time masterbate see if you can speak about then or conceivably your hubby has not hit he spot however.

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Noooooooo you are not.I think around 80% or don't a orgasm.Most women a orgasm.Important is the foreplay or near other things what your hubby can do.

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Frigid you are not. The word means to be "cold". You're are fine. Whether you use a vibrator, your finger or doesn`t matter what and you feel a "release" to be exact orgasm. If you already know this "sensation", so it must be the same during copulation when you undertake "climax". Its similar, to a certain extent, to manly ejaculation - the sensation. Not reaching a climax during the act itself is another issue that you and your husband call for to work out.

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Everyone knows when they come . Making love near your special someone might never always "hit the spot " but , conceivably you should try something "special" . If a Vibrator can do it , than you are capable of orgasm beside him .Alot depends on his thoughts about your use of an "apparatus" .
My wife uses vibrators and I adopt it . I also make sure that I give somebody a lift care of her first via , Oral sex ...we usually generate it interesting , with candles or wine or both . You are not frigid , you freshly need to bring up to date your hubby ...what you like , and kind sure the kids are asleep...

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You just necessitate more foreplay.

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