Can I break my hymen by stretching?

If so, what kind of stretching should I do?

Yes! Depending on what kind of stretching, but several women tear their hymens by methods except sexual intercourse. Read the link below for more information.

I wouldn't verbs about avoiding stretching. If it happen, it happens. There is no common sense for you to be that concerned.
NO. Never hear of such a silly thing within my life.
Not all stretching...consult your PT.
No and since you are still a virgin stand high and be proud because there are massively very few of you moved out in todays world.
Why would you want to do this anyway? It totally defeat the purpose of having your Husband pilfer your virginity.
no.... that would be some very intense stretching but if you hold any doubts consult your dr.
I have in truth heard roughly speaking that---when listening to a national public radio prodcast several women call in describing how they have broke they're of the ways was one woman be in rumba and another woman described falling off her bike...that one I didnt think through....
Yes, you can. Insert one finger and move it from side to side. When you can do that short pain, insert 2 fingers and so forth. Masterbating also help to stretch it some.