Pregnant or irregular bleeding?

on saturday night (march 31st) our condom broke, (april 2nd) i took plan b.

the following saturday (april 7th) i started what seem like my time of year. saturday(april 7th) and sunday(april 8th) i had a frothy period. give or take a few half a tampon full after 12 hours. (sorry for tmi...) consequently every day after that its only just been much smaller quantity than a period contained by full swing but still small amounts of red and tissue blobs also... is this my period? it stopped surrounded by the afternoon on thursday (april 12th)

its about a week hasty if it is. but its a hell of a lot more than implantation bleeding from what i've read. i read that its spotting and should be dusk pink to brown for no more than 3 days.. early time of year? or just irregular bleeding from plan b?

am i past the worst? or do i sound pregnant-ish?

I of late recently stopped have vaginal discharge.?

OK, relax. You're NOT pregnant. Plan b gives your body a soaring dose of hormones that causes your uterus to shed it''s bin liner early.hence your hasty period. And this won't be a 'common' period, since it be forced by the plan b, so lighter or heavier is possible.

And, if you were pregnant, plan b won't get you have a misscarriage, so you would hold skipped if you were. Plan b have some waky side effects also, so you might get somewhat nausea and your skin could break out. But no big deal, it adjectives passes soon.

Hope this be helpful!!

I attain abdominal pain when I do anything near my bf?

i think you are risk-free. the bleeding is after the use of plan b. and you are supposed to bleed about few days after taking it. it's similar to withdrawal bleeding from the pill, it take 2-7 days after taking it and you'll bleed. it's because of the hormones in plan b that your uterine lining is shed.

Orgasm after D&C?

Your symptoms don't nouns like you're pregnant. You could go and get OTC pregnancy test to be sure.

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