Question for women: How can I postpone my interval with in the region of 1 week when I am not on the pill?

I need to own an operation later within June and it is going to coincide with my interval. I want to avoid this and want to postpone this with at most minuscule a week. I do not take the pill so it requests to be something else. Has anyone done this before, does it work and what can I do? Is it hormones I own to take?

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near is a pill you can get from the doctor to postpone your term, i use it when im going on holiday, i cant remember the name though, sorry xxx
thios isnt a regular pill, its a one time item, so i think you lug it 3 days before you are due

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you can acquire a special pill for it, like the anitconception pill, but you simply take it for a moment. I did it once, and I wouldn't recommend it. The period I have after was the most gruesomely throbbing one I ever had.

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See your doctor. I dont know of anything you can rob but for an operation there may be something your doc can prescribe

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The pill is hormones and i.e. the best way. Since it is already June and not satisfactory time to start the pill, go see the doctor. See if the doctor have something else they can give you. I know someone that did this for their marriage. However, her period started 4 days since her wedding and the doctor give her something that made her period stop contained by 2 days..

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I think really it wants to be the pill. My friends have sometimes postponed their period when they are going on holiday by taking the pill for a short period of time (1 month, conceivably?). This was prescribed by their doctor especially for this, so I don`t know you could ask your own doctor for advice on whether this would be apt?

Omgplzhelpsthanks IS THIS ABNORMAL??

ask ur doctor, he can give u something to stop it x

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My daughter have just get some tablets from the Docs to postpone hers for when we are on holiday.

What Do you Think?

There is a potential conflict here, normally the pill or the progesterone norithisterone are used to bottleneck periods, however it is not a obedient idea to give somebody a lift these when you are going to have surgery as they can increase clot risk. In reality on your surgical check in roll it usually says to stop the pill pre-op.

Unless your surgery is gynaecological, and even after it shouldn't really matter if you are menstruating, I would give notice well plenty alone.

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