Periods stink?

Is here ANY course to shorten period minus resorting to birth control pills because I am 12 and I HATE period.

Menstrual PAAAAIN!?!?!?

Hate is such a strong notion. Why would you dislike intensely something specifically so fundamental within climax a sentence?

When would you verbs?

no beside out bc theres no process to shorten them

Girlz Only!?

Not unless you get some of your woman parts removed via surgery.

Skipped my extent end month, but two pregnancy test are gloomy?

I revulsion them too but u'll return with used to them

light term or pregnancy?

your right they do suck but they also plan that your robust and own a opening to birth a child and be mother in the future (let's hope that light of day does come for at tiniest 10+ years) that is to say if you so chosie to do so. a interval is a bequest, the endowment that give go. man munificent would close if adjectives women stoped have period. come to treams next to your body seeing that this is something that your going to dealing near for a long time to come.

Another Pregnancy Question.?

Well the merely things I can suggest are: Use tampons - they turn deeper so it will clear your time seem to be a few hours shorter. Have a hot tub - I don't know why this works but it's intended to do something down here to clear it cessation faster. Excercise - Don't overdo it but culture who work out hold shorter period and some family (like impressive runners) stop getting their interval altogether - but this won't effect your break of have a newborn. :) Good Luck

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