I am 11 and i hold woolly arm pits should i hang around till i am 12 to shave them surrounded by 10 months??

my arm pits are hairy do i call for to wait to shave them when i am 12 surrounded by 10 months help girls!!

Answers:    There is no sense you should have to ask your parents if you can shave YOUR armpits. It's your body!

It would be pretty mortifying if your at school and other kids see your underarms, they will probably chaff you.

Go sneak one of your mom's razors and progress for it. She probably would even noticed you shaved anyway.
no turn ahead and shave them now ask ur parents to use a cut-throat if you dont have one basically shave them u dont have to be a reliable age. or you could wax them or use nair or just bleach them next to special stuff if you dont want to remove the hair until your 12
No you don't hold to wait until ur 12. You can start shaving very soon. Just ask ur mom or dad for permission. No you don't hold to wait.
You can linger but it is most likely for you to shave. no, i would shave them very soon. its one thing to hold hairy legs, but bushy armpits are different. they can affect how your body odor smells ( which could get embarassing). relate your parents how you feel more or less it and ask what they think you should do. i would in a minute if i were you.
shave them in a minute depends on ur parents. my first time i stole my moms razor and shaved in need soap and water. she be pretty mad so dont do that. as stupid as it is ask her around it...and im serious. if she wants u to dawdle u cant do much but i think it would be clearly fine. just know that once u start u cant stop.
hope i help out hun! =)
no u dont have to hang around..go to nearest drug stores or supermarket to buy a cut-throat, then shave..its not fitting to see a girl having a fuzzy armpit You do not have to shave your armpits. Be sure to wipe every day and use deodorant. It's a big bother to remove coat at your age. You could just wear short sleeves instead of cistern tops when you don't feel resembling removing your armpit hair.
yea travel on and do it just dont cut ur self hurts really bad when u do
but use bab powerder if u do it help
You don't need to keep on. If you feel self-conscious with your bushy problem, ask your mom to buy you a razor and some shaving cream. Good point you can shave your legs now too! Hairy armpits are gross! omg you own hairy armpits ? anyways not my point i a moment ago wanted to influence your in the age where on earth you are going through puberty it's normal and p.s what expressions r u ? no really what language r u ?

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