My older gal friend say shes having a thorny time getting pregnant?

She and her husband want kids but he always pulls out at the final second? My friend says he really requests children but loves to pull out and unloaded on her. She tried individual on top and it almost works but he's to strong and moves her. What else can she do with positions or seduce him? Or conceivably therapy? But i specified her for a long time and she says its physical and be trained to pull out and spray on her everytime.

Period shifting?!?!?

They can't have kids if he keep doing this. The semen actually wants to be able to obtain in contact beside her eggs. They should talk to a couples analyst. I wonder if he secretly does not in reality want kids.

Period/grad/guy seating problems?

If he wishes a kid bad adequate he'll be able to sacrifice and do the work correctly during her fertile periods.

My daughter is devolping mane on her breasts? Why?

sounds like he DOES NOT want kids after adjectives.. sounds like he's self-seeking too..

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