
hey it has be 32 days i havnt started my period even so last time it be like 30 days! i don't know why i didnt start is this typical?i have have my period for going on for 7 months!iknow im not preg cuz well i havent have sex to young!Lol! resourcefully so what is wrong and is this normal? please im worrying!

.:GiRLS oNLY:. pleaseee..?

DONT WORRY! lol this is completely 100% ordinary! Your period can help yourself to 1-2 years to regulate and start getting normal! I've have mine almost a year and its still not normal sometimes! If you know you havent have sex or anything then you shouldnt verbs lol.i am glad when mine is late cuz i hatred having my time of year so be glad and celebrate! haha...freshly keep wearing panty liner to make sure you dont gain any embarrassing leak when your "friend" does come.

When a girl has sex for the first time and she bleeds what do you do? freshly stop having sex and verbs it up?

I'm impressed, I never keep track of my period :) Different women have amazingly different periods, and it's extremely typical for women to have extreme variation in down their cycles when they're still in youth. Mine didn't even out till I was surrounded by my mid 20's.

So there's zilch to worry nearly, it's completely normal.

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It's normal don't stress, you hold just not regalted on a 28 hours of daylight cycle. I have gone up to 40 something days and i'm in my hasty 20's

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dont worie until its be a week,then be in motion to a doctor.Sometimes your piirods are irregulor no biggie.

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Since you haven't had sex, it simply sounds similar to you are having a slightly irregular cycle. Since you mention that you ARE youthful, I'm guessing that you haven't been have periods for totally long; many women own irregular periods for the first couple of years as their body change and matures. If you miss a second term, then it would absolutely be something for which you'd want to check with a doctor. Otherwise, newly chalk it up to the maturing of your body, and don't worry nearly it.

How many days?

its more than ordinary when your period change. Some people hold a strict pattern others dont. My friend didnt hold hers for 3in a half months and she is fine.
your adjectives good.

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This is totally ordinary. There is no reason to verbs. Your periods are only regulating. There are other reasons besides pregnancy why girls might own a late or missed length. These reasons include:
consumption disorders,
excessive exercise,
travel, medications,
premature ovarian washout,
menstrual disorders,
birth control pills or hormonal drugs,
Illicit drug use,
hormonal problems,
changes contained by hormonal levels,
a diet that's too low in curvy,
changes contained by sleep patterns or exercise,
or of late a menstrual pattern that hasn't become regular even so.

Stress is the most common basis of a late length. It can take a while for a infantile woman's body to adjust to hormone changes and inaugurate to "run" smoothly and regularly. She might have a pallid flow or a heavy flow, down the flow may vary, or her period might be late. She might even skip some months. Most potential a young woman's period and cycles will become more regular as she grows older.

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It have been everyday for mine to range from 26 days to more or less 34-35 days. I don't count days to know when it's coming. I pay attention to my body's signals: a bit of intervening weight gain, sore breasts, backache, and consequently REALLY irritable and hungry for a couple days, and then the subsequent day I surface fine, and Whammo! it starts. In fact, I'll own a couple horrible days, and then the subsequent day I get up up feeling fine and travel to work, and think "gee I be aware of so much better today; uh oh, I bet it's started," and it has!
The bottom vein: your body is not necessarily on a schedule. You nouns absolutely average to me.

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