Why does my body do this?

Every month for the 2days before my period I receive really emotional, I cry for nothing and I can`t bear myself. I doubt my boyfriend I feel like not a soul loves me I go all dependent. Its startin to do my head in I dont wanna have a feeling like this, could it be the pill?

Anyone beside flawless tips to lessen the distress for postpartum intercourse?

go to the familial planning clinic and discuss with them ,they may be able to suggest a different contraceptive that will suit you better.

Good luck

Need some suggestion for girlfriend?

Most girls/women consistency emotional before their length, its just hormones. I researched the internet about Microgynon 30 and I can't find any evidence that your engagements could be caused by you being on the pill. If you have a sneaking suspicion that your actions/feelings are too intense to just be caused by hormones, cooperate to your GP or whoever prescribed you the pill :)

Period backache?

what, you are on the pill? which one?
if you just had a ordinary cycle it would be the surge in estrogen and progesterone but since you dont actually vote what you are on no one can say.

Girls who aren't virgins individual?

I'm on Microgynon 30 too and I find myself impression the same way a few days formerly my period. I also get morale of anxiety.

I never had that problem before I started taking the pill.


It is possible that it may be the pill. Go to your doctor and ask if her can do anything roughly this. But it could also just be your hormones.

Is it majority 4 it 2 appropriate this long?

Hormones going crazy and making every women go crazy back the periods lol

Period Question?

Honey it's called hormones cooperate to your doctor they can explain it better.

I asked just about this this morning but i am still so bashful. someone please give support to me quality better roughly speaking have a?

honey this is what its like being a woman, it happen to every woman some day of their lives

Excercises that work for love handle? A bit of bathing suit trouble.?

im on that pill aswell and it leaves me the same! i sit and cry for no origin and start rows over silly things. xx

Color of mucus??

PMT proably eat chocolate it has be proven it makes you happy it works 4 me

Cherry Pop?

It's call being a woman honey

My sisters problems?

but some girls get more stimulating
than other girls

I own a date tomorrow, but i enjoy my spell! backing?

We used a condom and she took the mornig after whats the probability shes pregnant?
Wat exactly is 'popping the cherry'?
A chocoholics dream?
  • Why am i doing this? is it from stress possibly?
  • Seriously.

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