Is summer's eve douch apposite for you?


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Actually using Douches are not really good for you. When you use them they make over the pH of your system and can lead to other problems.

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better to use yogurt.

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No douches are good for you. They truly push bacteria up into you more fairly than cleaning you out like they hype.

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from my intellectual capacity no douch is really good for u. in that are certain bacterias that form contained by our bodies that we need to come to blows off other discouraging bacterias. by douching, u then destroy off the needed ones and are more prone to catching other funk. if it isnt really doomed to failure down there a moment ago wash really capably with river. i suppose u can use a douch bottle to really get within there but merely water please. if its really impossible....go see a doctor.

I've hear of woman having orgasms from self tazered is this possable?

No they are not they can give you pelvic inflammatory disease. They verbs out the bad as all right as the good microbes which could be a problem. I would recommend using the summer's eve wipes they own or the wash.

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there are beyond doubt no douches that are good for you. your vagina in truth cleans out itself plus showering everyday with any manner of liquid soap is the best passageway to keep your vagine verbs do not douche ever!

I'm period come every 28 days and now it comes every 24 days why did that evolve?

this has already be said, but artificial douches are not good! the moisture contained by ur vagina, IS UR BODY'S NATURAL DOUCHE! its ur body cleaning itself out! and when you use a douche it pushes all that wager on into ur body and ur body doesnt know what to do with it and can lead to other problems (vaginitis), ur best bet it to just permit ur body due the work for you!

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