Is blood spot normal one week after the term ends?


I think here is something wrong with my body. I have my period for a full week and it completed on Feb 18th. Then on Friday, Feb 24th, I went to the gym as usual and did an hr workout fundamentally running on the treadmill. Then I came home and showered and go to dinner. I was consciousness some pain surrounded by my lower belly area the entire time when we be having dinner, principally some kind of a sharp torment inside the urine pipe. When we came final home I noticed the stay dry wipe I had is covered next to a brownish blood.

The next year after I came posterior from the gym, I saw the same exact fluid but this time it was the size of a quarter coin. Same entity on sunday. I called my dr.'s organization and they scheduled me for today but as I didn't get hold of any spot today, they said they will not be able to do anything BUT they presume I could be pregnant!!

Do anyone of you had blood spot experience? I appreciate any info.

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I dont suppose their is anything wrong with you your bodies hormones fluctuate through out the month,which is probably what that blood spot is.I other have the brown stuff until that time and after my period and it purely means your cervix is closing and elongate until your next extent and if you had a flawless work out its not unusual.If it continues you could always see the doc and ask give or take a few the different types of pills you can take as long as you dont smoke. your fine stop worrying unless you own severe pain that wont stop and you hold a fever your fine.

1st time Smear/Pap try-out hurting.?

oh yeah
I get this adjectives the time

Weird question going on for your menstral cycle..?

Yes, this happens to me too.

Painful intercourse unshakable ways only?

yes. i hold. i used to be on my period for the unharmed month. then stop and step a week and then newly spot and yadda yadda yadda. my period have done a lot of things.

i recommend going to the gyno. immediately, i've never had sex, so i don't know around that - but why don't you take a pregnancy try-out?

I find that I cannot exercise during my period. Am I the merely one? Any tips on making it easier?

spotting between periods is not adjectives that abnormal. It happen to lots of women. Having it accompanied near pain-not so normal.

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