Is there a course you can stop menstrual cycles?

I have irregular cycles sometimes i won't catch a period surrounded by 3 months or so! When I do get a time it might be light or a stout one like in a minute...but really I need to find a track to stop this messes up my clothes and sht.. iim tired of it plz help me


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to basicaly answer your question, you can jump to your doctor and ask for a hormone therapy, basicaly you hold birth control pills for the reason of not have a period.

But i would suggest that you find an alternative beforehand that, because after a women stops having menstrual cycles, they start to lose bone mass and profusely of other things happen.

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My cousin have a similar problem like that, so she go to the doctor and they prescribed to her medication that helps her menstrul cycle.

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hysterectomy or the depo-provera shot

Girls merely PLS!?

yes, if you are taking Birth Control Pills.all you do is simply skip the sugar/placebo pills at the come to an end of your pack and start the next set of pills, you will skip your cycle. This is adjectives practice among many of my patients and the pharmacy will not donate you any grief about it.

Whats wrong.?

It's usual to have an irregular cycle if you are purely starting out..sometimes it takes years to attain it to regulate.

I used to have like peas in a pod problem, and then the doctor put me on a neutral birth control pill and it made it way more regular and they one and only lasted roughly speaking four days and were unbelievably light. It be really nice! But then I have to start taking them because they were making my migranes worse..but as I've gotten elder the periods enjoy gotten more tolerable.

I'd recommend going to the doctor and asking about birth control to regulate it. It can do wonders!

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get on birth conrtol... and because you have a interval ever 3 months anyways there is a birth control that i give somebody a lift called seasonal and seasonque. one is a generic, and you attain a period every 3 months. ask your doctor in the region of it, this will defently regulate that problem ... good luck!

Depo Shot I took the depo shot something like 2 months ago and ?

I go through the exact same thing. I go on the depo shot because that is supposed to stop you from have a period. I would recommend NOT doing that. It have nasty side effects. It also exact me to have bleeding for two full months now. make conversation to your gyno for different options that are out at hand.

What do you do during your period to relax and have a feeling better healthy ways?

There's birth control pill that give you like 3 or 4 period a year. Look it up on google.

I'm worried about her?

if you are a teen-ager, this is adjectives. If you are no longer a teen, then you requirement to visit a doctor. possibly he can give you birth control pills. they enjoy been certain to regulate your period.

Breast size.?

b/c pills theres one out very soon that stops it all Lybrel talk to ur dr in the order of it.

I feel close to I should be getting my period, but it hasn't come even so, am i maybe pregnant?

Good Lord, don't speak hysterectomy first off!

Try some birth control pills.

You may own polycystic ovary syndrome (I do) which can cause irregular cycles, stomach-ache, heavy OR lantern flow, hormonal's a misery.

But there are things you can do for it.

Go to the doc and see what's up.

And don't ask for a hysterectomy right bad the bat. Try a pill or something first.

Medical vs. Surgical abortion?

Birth control pills will make your time of year more regular. If you don't take the placebo pills that they put within there--and just start the untried month--you'll skip your period. Also, they brand some birth control pills now approaching Seasonale that give you one every 3 months.

Ask your doctor for counsel.

Also, realize if you DO skip them, it could take a few months back you can get pregnant and/or return with yourself back onto a common monthly schedule.

Is she pregnant or is it her time of year ?

i think u should communicate ur mom, shes can help u travel to ur doctor and tell em whats going on next to ur period and how to oblige. you shouldnt be shy to tell your mom its prob the best point to do

Depo shot horror stories?

you should call your gyn. It may be something where on earth you need to enjoy a d&c.

I had a hysterectomy at 35 because they couldn't regulate even after have multiple surgeries and i had fibroids.

Your doctor can also prescribe progesterone to insert into the vagina and that may back or the pill which will at least regulate you.

It really depends on your condition and your age - are you a smoker - that type of stuff.
please talk to your gyn - 3x a month is not conventional

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Birth control pills will regulate your cycle. You'll know exactly when you'll start & you'll have one every month. Make sure you walk to the doctor right away, irregular periods for too long can prevent you from have children someday

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