Stretch results?

im 21 and i haven't gained any substance but last month i discovered that i have big red strecth marks across both breasts, i be just wondering what it might denote.!

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it's just the skin have lost a little elasticity from getting a bit larger in a short spell of time.

a lot of relations spend a lot of money on products trying to achieve rid of these but they don't really work. however, they will fade over time! try getting some sun, I hear that works as well a touch bit, but don't waste your money if you want to obtain rid of them.

it's nothing serious though- every one have them. every one!! celebs just own air brushing to aid them out in photos.

Post D&C interview.?

Your breast have be growing. Theres not much u can do about that, they will shift away in time. Or also I hear if u put mayo on it it will help it stir away.

Need help on a ** problem..?

Go gain it checked and are you pregnant? Use coco butter that's what my mom uses.

Why AREN'T you on birth control?

Pregnant?..I also have grades on my breasts to. It is from pregancy.

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If you haven't gained any substance you probably lost it. Sometimes if you workout your chest your breasts can change from sizeable to small and vice versa which can cause you to bring back stretch marks. Use some Palmers cocoa butter to sort them appear less noticably.

What does this parsimonious?

It means your breasts are growing.

Use cocoa butter lotion if you want to build them less observable.

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Stretch marks are cause when the skin is stretched to the point of breaking down, similar to elastic losing its' elasticity.

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well when I be in my teens my hips grew and I get stretch marks. Perhaps you are prone to them. Its surrounded by our genes and diet the elasticity of the skin. When I had my kids I didn't procure one stretch mark.. Look at your diet try to guzzle more Vit E. In general put away healthy. If it worries you budge to the doctor. But to my knowledge in attendance's nothing you can do just about them..

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well if u shift strecth marks on ur breasts it cud be in attendance growing but look it up to

I am looking for Savannah Georgia residents or those who have have cosmetic surgery here.?

you've either put some weightiness on or lost it very hastily!!

i have stretchmarks adjectives over my tummy , but i have have a baby! lol

What keep giving me UTI's?

Try some Bio Oil. ODnt know if you can it world wide but its a god convey for stretch marks!

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