My ObGyn said she wishes to talk to me more or less the endo. biopsy result?

I had endo. biopsy 4 days ago, and be told by my obgyn to call rear today to check the result. I did, but the her assistant told me the doctor told my medical chart with her and she required to talk to me subsequent this afternoo. I am now really hysterics. It has to be something wrong, otherwise the girl would update me the polyps are benign. Has anyone had any accepted wisdom? Thanks.

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Try to relax. The girl you talked to on the phone might not know the results. I know it's tough not to worry. I have a colposcopy done last week and get the biopsy results yesterday. I was really afraid but they were ok. My midwife told me that polyps usually are benign but they approaching to check them to make sure. It's probably merely that the assistant didn't want to tell you anything if the dr. desires to talk to you or she may not own wanted to give an account you anything without the chart contained by front of her so she wouldn't give you any wrong information.

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You don't own reason to verbs yet. Nurse and receptionists are irrelevant to talk medical stuff near the patient. Only the doctor.

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sometimes the nurses at the reception are not aloud to miss such information, they are not a Dr and if u had question they are not allowed ot answer them anyway. turn along o your appointment Hun it will all work out fine

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It could be that she simply wants to reassure you nil is wrong. You never know though! I am about dance to through that this upcoming Thursday - I am getting a Bilat Breast Biopsy. Best of luck to you! Let me know how it goes.

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I hold had several endos & biopsies for ob/gyn reason.try not to panic.most of th time it isnt to serious.if they did find polops or even precancerous cell they usually will have you come within and get them burned or frozen past its sell-by date.i used to totally panic and freak out,not i a short time ago take it as it comes and try not to verbs.

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Im sorry to hear that hun thats never a good sign but next again maybe they cant confer that information out over the phone in some states thats against the law for them to do spell so maybe thats whats wrong. I hope everything is ok for you thow and try and not hysterics try to stay calm perchance bring someone with you for support of late in overnight case. This happend to me not long ago and I ended up have a brain tumour so I know how scary it can be but you basically half to be strong and stay restful youll be ok.

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Usually letters means devout and phone call is impossible. But since your doctor wanted you to hail as for results it could go any way. Your doctor may purely be going above and beyond by letting you know the results in person and stir over whatever may be critical depending on results.

Don't get alarmed even so. Talk to your doctor first. You may be working up a frenzy over nothing.

Good luck.

Do u mull over i am preganat?

A lot of times they can't give information over the phone. My mom have some bloodwork done and the doctor called adage he wanted to see her ASAP but couldn't grasp an appointment for 2 days. For 2 days she was so worried that she had some abnormality or cancer and so I go with her. Turned out she merely was anemic and needed to start iron pills. I required to kill that doctor for worrying us for 2 days over some so stupid as that and I asked him around it. He said that he likes to lone give audition results in soul.

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