Help simply for girls?

sometime i would see white stuff and it is not clear in my vigina and i dont no what it is could this be the start of my time of year but no blud yet what is arranged should i be on the look out for this help oh and i am just 9 almost 10 is this early to hold your peroid or is it just normal

What do I do more or less stretch marks?

Yeah, you're almost to your interval. Nothing bad, of late vaginal fluid. It will happen regularly throughout your existence growing up. Starting your period at 10 is majority. So don't worry just about it. When you DO start your period, permit your mom know. Good luck.

I have missed my spell after 2 years and 10 months since i have undergone Tubal Ligation? Is it mundane?

its normal the youngest girl to every own her period be 6 by the way,its a short time ago a lil discharge no biggy

Doc question-?

it could just be discharge and specifically normal. but its not to impulsive to start your period to be precise about one and the same i age i got mine.

Chaffing during interval, causing irritation?

Yes it is usual, the vagina is a mucous membrane and having white discharge is common.

10 is not too early to start, some girls fire up as early as 8.

How can you go and get rid of cellulite?

no, sorry :)

Besides Kigels is there any other exercise that is to say good for tightening your vaginal muscles?

dont verbs your ok. its just discharge every girl get it at some point its your bodysway of cleanign itself. if it is yellowish or smells fishy talk to a parent you might own a yeast infection but thats no big deal a few meds and its gone! but i highley dought thats wat it is no requirement to worry best of luck!! marylynne

Did Any One Got Big Breast Enhancement Program?

Don't verbs about it- if it's clear in a minute, it's not a problem. As long as it doesn't have a really strong odor, or any color, it's basically natural. I be only 11 when I started my time, so starting it at 10- no big deal! If you hold questions or are concerned almost anything going on with your body, tell to your mom or another trusted adult woman. Or newly ask your doctor:o)

Sex when on your period?

It is average

If I tie a small elastic nouns around a haemoroid will it fall past its sell-by date?

it's normal

I am 14 and i own some red in my pant but it doesn't look like blood. am i starting my pirod? give support to please.

You're just fine, dear. Your body is going to be going through alot of change... and your discharge is all module of the process. You'll have a creamy white discharge, a clear one, and also stuff that comes out resembling clear sticky glue clumps. These are adjectives normal.

Even when you carry your period, nearby will be different stages and looks to the menstral cycle discharge. Some of the blood will be really runny, similar to if you cut your hand. Some of it will be big clots of blood, and some will be brown (usually towards the closing of your cycle).

The only one that will require treatment is when it's more of a yellowish or green color... or if your liba itches really unpromising. That is a yeast infection. This infection has nil to do with if you clean up everyday or not - it's more of your bodies reaction to tight clothes, or if it's really hot. You might even capture one after you take anitbiotics. If you seize this (you can usually tell if you own it by the consant need to itch your crotch) share your mom and she can make an appointment for the doctor. You will own to strip down from your waist and they will have to appropriate a culture of the discharge. Don't worry or be embarrased around it... it doesn't hurt and you're not going to be the only soul they've had to to this too. Once you step out of the room, it's on to the next forgiving. They see so many privates... it's out-of-date hat. (I used to be a certified nurses assistant... and cleaning peoples butts and privates get to be nothing spanking's just a job).

After the audition, they will prescribe Difulcan, probably. It's one pink pill that will cure the yeast infection. That's it. It doesn't hurt or make you sick. You might want to bring some anti-itch cream to apply to the outter areas to help relaxation the itch until the pill works.

Dispite all of this information, dear... confer to your mom. She should be able to pass you some pointers and make you grain more comfortable about what your body is going to be going through pretty soon. Don't agree to your teenage hormones (which will come, if they already haven't) put a wall between your mom and yourself... she go through it all herself and she loves you... that's the best entry ever.

Good luck, sweetie!

Sex-Negative Attitudes Why are topics related to sex listed lower than "Health" like sex is a disease?

Well your supposed to be 13 to be on here but i will answer anyway, Its call vaginal discharge, no its not your period, it can take place usually around 13, its early to own it at 9 or 10, and dont worry in the order of stuff like this even so, and it should be clear to totally white, if its green, brown, or cottage cheese like you hold an infection.

What is a yeast infection and how do you know if you have one? can you achieve one from being fingered?

just ordinary stuff

Bleeding black blood after 15 days of the ministration, anyone can help ?

no what your are experiencing mostly happens 1 yr or 2 since you get your spell it is totally normal

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