I have a friend that be almost raped what should she do?

shes afraid to get close wiyh any guy and she wont chat to anybody to let them know how she feel,she wont even talk to ME what sould she do?

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She needs to see a counselor to obtain through her thoughts. There is obviously turmoil contained by her. She needs to know that it is not her reprimand. She's probably also very worried from the incident and worried about it taking place. Then I think that you should bring it up to her and perchance both of you could enroll in some self defense classes. It might brand name her feel more confident to know how to protect herself in the adjectives. Please just be nearby for her all that you can though this frozen time in her go. Assure her that you are there if she ever requirements to talk, you will not authority her, and will not tell anyone else around the incident. You do not mention whether or not she knows the character involved, if she does, she should report them. However, if she is unwilling that is forgivable. Many victims do not want to report the incident. Just be there for her. You nouns like a really good friend.

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Report it to the police. It's still assault.

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Wow, Mention some lesson on like war and defending herself. If she refuses, Buy her some pepper spray. If those don't work, consent to her fight it herself. Maybe she wishes to be alone. Tell her she needs to be brave, and Strong!

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If this is tremendously recent -- Get to the ER. Ask for a rape exam. Give the details to the ER doc/nurse AND file a police report.



If this be in yesteryear, she should still consider filing a police report (for the benefit of other women who may encounter the attacker), and (for her benefit) she should wish counseling. It may not be possible for you (if you are the gender of the attacker) to be of much direct abet.

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she requirements to go to the police and convey them EVERYTHING or this could happen to someone one and they may even seize raped.

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She should almost report it

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i hope mortal her friend u truly understand her mental state after self thru such a tragedy,whatever i vote is really hard to follow but, is the best channel in which she can attenuate her trauma,she must,try making more friends,investigational friends,so that she can 4get the past happenings,as far as u are concerned,u must never go away her alone to be by herself.remember tomorrow is always a better morning,as somebody said "sweet are the uses of adversity",she must learn very soon how to defend herself on individual confronted by the same situation surrounded by the future.she must not trust any boy impressively easily,and other remain alert.

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I would report it to the police. Number one, that would give her releif of one paranoid and as far as i know no one probably desires a raper running around her town.

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