Anyone attain parinoid after using oxcodone for a while?

im 21 and ive been taking oxycodone for the past year and started with hand sugery they give me a few scrips but after that i started buyin off the street ..mostly oxcodone 30mg instant relief tab at one point i was taking up to 150mg but the past 4 months it be around 30 to 40 mgs..but stoped cold turkey for a month and went threw withdrawals for going on for 14 days but stayed fatigued after 30 days so i started taking them again and been getting real parinoid on them the and still really fatuge ... olden times 3 mounths ive been going though so much stress i feel approaching im going to have a nevous breakdown ... i kno i should just stop the oxy but my integral body hurts i feel like i own a serious desease and doctors dont take me seriously because i dont lie to them more or less the oxy proble .. i really dont get high sour them i just take them so i can find up and do things without my bone feeling close to there going to break ..i just want blood work done ..i abhorrence spanding money on these

I missed my length but enjoy like mad going on, and no symptoms of pregnancy, could it be due to stress?

you should talk to someone you can trust like a household member or something about your addiction and afterwards seek medical help and once your sour and recovered and healthy again your body wont need them any more it will pinch work and time but you can do it:)

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You need to go to rehab.

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How do you?
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