Period similar to cramps for 22 days! Help?

I have be having term like cramps for 22 days straight. I am constantly tired, boobs surface heavy (not sore) and I get the impression pregnant. I would be 4 weeks pregnant today. I am pretty sure I conceived on May 6 (ovulated on 7th) had sex on may 4th, 5th, 6th 7th, and I devise the 8th. I think I have the implantation bleeding on the 18th. (period was supposed to start on the 23rd.) It come a few days early as near implantation bleeding. Started out pink/hot pink only within when I wiped. after turned to red (not very much blood-just looked close to discharge mixed with blood) nonstandard "period" for me. I always enjoy regular periods for 7 days and they are other heavy/clotting first couple of days. I have have period resembling cramps since may 14th (not bad, lately there) blood test neg hpt neg. I am going crazy because I still surface pregnant. I do realize that the HCG levels start to produce after implantation. I have btest 7 dys after implantation. Could I still have glum HPT's at this time?


I'm 14 and i've been 4'11" for 2 years, did i stop growing?

Have they done a blood assessment for pregnancy? I had adjectives my pregnancy tests turn out denial for my first month of pregnancy so I didn't even find out until I was 3 months along. You could possibly be. Pregnancy have been agreed to do weird things.

My mom call me fat what should i do?

its possible...try going to the dr and have another blood test done.

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