Anorexic. Please, I need lend a hand.?

I have never be a fan of drinking. Well, I should say ingestion alot. When people stuff their face, I gag. When I go to restraunts, I don't perceive comfortable eating contained by front of other people. I usually don't guzzle breakfast, and I'll have close to half an apple for lunch at arts school, and when I come home, I have a small snack and usually a small dinner or no dinner at all. On the weekends I seldom eat breakfast and lunch and dinner, I usually purely drink fluids and one or two snacks. When I eat I have a feeling sick, like a gag sensation or I just dont be aware of good. Today the one and only thing I own eaten is a small bowl of cereal and thats probably going to be it. I don't starve myself or binge and later go throw up what I a short time ago ate. I think that it is digusting. My dad is threatning me to cart me to a doctor for an eating disorter, one I don't enjoy. I am 13 years old, I mass 97-103lbs. the last time I weigh myself. I am also 5'1'' - 5'2''. Please, no sarcastic answers. I want to know whats wrong beside me.


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If your dad wants to nick you to the doctor just to create sure you're ok then you should probably run, he probably needs a professional to hear that what you own is just appetite and not an consumption disorder. At the same time you could probably enjoy an eating disorder you haven't realize and the doctor might help you through it. It wouldnt impair you to go acquire checked by a doctor and it would really harm you if you hold a disorder and don't get checked. =) i hope you'll be fine.

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i am glad to hear a parent is finally trying to assistance their sick child!

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you may have the commencing of an eating disorder not to terrify you. my friend went through this until she become anorexic. go to a doctor as soon as you can

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I'm not a medical person, but i guess your weight is ok for your rise. However, the "gagging" sensation you feel when you munch through isn't a good entity. You should talk to your institution nurse, or go see your doctor almost it.

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You may be suffering from something else besides an eating disorder. You may obligation to get counseling so you can forget something like this anxiety feeling that you hold towards eating and see others put away. You seem to be a nourishing weight but you should be enjoy life right immediately and not obcessing over when and what you eat. There is more to life span than the images associated next to it, it is more about experiences. I hope you procure better and really start living and accepting yourself. Your too young to be worried roughly speaking something like this.

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There's nought wrong with you. :) It seem you don't have a problem beside your weight or hold an obsession beside loosing pounds (not like you would requirement to anyway.) So i think you a moment ago have a small appeteite, and i know, because when i be younger i had a similar problem!

Although its strange to own a gagging sensation towards food and consumption. Other than that i don't think you own an eating disorder.

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personally, i infer you just dont own much of an appetite. have you started your interval yet? because usually when you start you get through more when your on it. im 5'2 and im about 102 im 16. i dont munch through much either. if your dad requirements to take you to a doctor he might be wasting his time because it could basically be your appeitite.

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You have an ingestion disorder & need to listen to your dad & attain some medical attention! FYI I could never do what you do...I wouldn't last a light of day. If I don't eat regulary, I procure lightgheaded & easily confused. I also procure a blazing migraine if I skip a meal! Bodies obligation nutrition; you're still young & your body's still developing. Seek sustain now since you develop serious health problems subsequently on. See below...

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I know when your 13 that it's hard to steal your parents advice, but it sounds resembling he's concerned as well as your concerned so why not consent to a professional ( a Doctor) look at the situation. What do you have to lose?

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omg i am 13 and i weigh 105-110 and i ponder i am anorexic too because it all started ending year when i thoght i was margarine so then i stopped intake then when ever i tried to guzzle i almost threw up then i get so bad that even the smell of food made me want to throw up. that adjectives stoped but now i believe its starting again this year i think i hold bulimia because i try not to eat anything but if my parents breed somtimes i'll try to throw it up. if i cant throw it up i just exercise alot to burn sour everything i ate. i know what im doing is wrong but the problem is that i cant stop. its scary its close to an addiction i have tried to stop but it is'nt working. i dont reflect your anorexic but at least your dad notice things. i hardly ever see my dad my friends and familial all read out im skinny i think im cooking oil i mean im 13 and 5'2 and 110 is really plump to me. please dont do wat im doing. i know your not but dont start its not fun because you cant stop and you get really terrified.

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You unquestionably need to obtain some professional help. This is not a physical problem (it's mental), but will organize to serious physical problems including death.

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