Feeling sick after taking Plan B?

I had sex on the second hours of daylight of my period. The daytime after I took Plan B. Almost immediately after taking Plan B I get little red spots on my foot and underarm and began to discern a bit itchy. My period stopped on the 4th hours of daylight. Three days after taking Plan B I had pallid spotting which gradually become like a majority period for two days and the go back to spotting. All along the course I have be feeling ill and dizzy. It has be over a week since I took Plan B and I am still not feeling powerfully. Anybody know why?

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Breakthrough bleeding is common while taking Plan B and so is the nauseated passion. Now the red itchy spots could be hives which could mean that you are slighty allergic to the medication. If these symtoms stick with then turn to a Dr.

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Theres many reations you can have from taking Plan B. Did you read the pamphlet? It tell alot of the popular side effects. If you didnt read about the spots on your body, you may want to of late call a doctor or local clinic. You may only just be having an allergic hostile response.

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Ok why the heck did you help yourself to plan B when you were already on your interval? You wouldn't have gotten pregnant anyway because your body be in the process of shedding the endometrial facing and along with it the unfertilized egg. Even if contained by the 0.01% chance it fertilized the egg, it would enjoy nothing to hold on to because you're shedding the facing with your interval. By taking the Plan B while you were have your period you seriously messed up your hormonal match and the blotching is probably some sort of allergic reaction to something in the PlanB. I swear PlanB should be put backbone into the hands of doctors and out of the hand of irresponsible idiots who think it's a solution for irresponsibility and wrecklessness.

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